Hawkesbury Radio’s Yvonne Bartle
I remember meeting Yvonne a few years back on an interview visit to Hawkesbury radio in Windsor, North West Sydney when on my Radio Tour....

Monte Famous | "Each Week, My Passion For Indie Music Grows Stronger"
‘Monte Famous’, (aka James Irvine radio DJ to the local Forbes area), pours his heart and soul into playing independent music, with his...

Connie Kis Andersen and SHOWCASE AUSTRALIA Syndicated radio show | A Do'er Rather Than A Talker
Connie Kis Andersen is a do'er rather than a talker. A recording artist in her own right. Who works hard to produce her syndicated radio...

Leonie McClure with 'My Kinda Country'
Leonie McClure with 'My Kinda Country' on 2RRR Gladesville 88.5FM 3am to 8am EVERY Saturday Morning “You make a living by what you get....

Wayne Osborne - Ossie & Friends
Wayne Osborne - Ossie & Friends a weekly show every Wed 6 to 9pm Lake Macquarie FM 97.3 and a Dingo's Breakfast Monday 6am to 9am & Runs...

Barbara Morison | 'All Kinds of Country'
A weekly show, every Sat Morning 5am - 7am on Sydney's 2SER 107.3FM If you go into the 2SER studio for an interview you will usually find...