Wayne Osborne - Ossie & Friends a weekly show every Wed 6 to 9pm Lake Macquarie FM 97.3 and a Dingo's Breakfast Monday 6am to 9am & Runs a 24/7 online streaming station Aussie and Kiwi Music
Aussie Ossie Radio (with speciality programs such as high noon country on Sundays, blues on Sunday night's, locals only Monday night's, rock Tuesday night, heavy metal Thursday Night, this is Australia 60s 70s 80s Saturday.)

I often have thought that people in music are usually quite empathatic care about the world and people around them and I have learned that people in community radio are the same. As this is a volunteer activity that takes a lot of organisation. Wayne is one of those giving people. His paid day jobs involve empathy 'plus plus' working wth Youth and working in disability services. Over and above that, he puts together a number of radio shows every week on Lake McQuarrie FM & runs a 24 hour internet station with specialty shows in a number of genres.
“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” ~Winston Churchill
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Wayne also has independents music play on his Wed night Ossie and Friends show, as he chats to Aussie and Kiwi musicians in studio and on the phone.
Wayne commenced his involvement in Community radio in around 1995, at the old 2CCCFM 96.3 in Gosford, now Coast FM 963.. He spent a few years there doing a sport show and music shows, then due to work committments took a bit of a break. He then was asked to come to Lake Macquarie FM 97.3 (when it was Radio Yesteryear) around 3 years ago.
As with all the interviews on radio personalities for the THE RADIO FEATURES. I ask what make them give up their time to be in community radio. So I asked Ossie what makes him give his time and here is what he said.
"My reason for the internet station is that I love Aussie and Kiwi Music, new and old, and having my own station I am unrestricted..I can give heaps of different genres a go and anyone from AUS or NZ can have their music played on high rotation."
TUNE IN TO AUSSIE OSSIE RADIO from anywhere in the world and enjoy the mix.
Use Tune-in Radio App http://tun.in/sflXT or http://www.aussieossieradio.audio/stream.pls
For full instructions, go to this page http://www.aussieossieradio.audio/index.php/tune-in/
Find Waynes shows on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/aussieossieradio/?fref=nf
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