Mullen - "I Couldn’t Imagine a Sober Life, I Really Felt Like a Devil"
The Devil Is Innocent! It was broken in two places. I don’t remember how I broke it so badly. I didn’t have the strength to crawl from...

LudVig Van | "I Grew Up In A House Of Silence And Anxiety"
From the suburbs of Los Angeles, Ludvig Van is made up of TV, movie, video game, and music lovers who together make music to find a...

Reise | "A Lot Of People Buying Today’s Pop Don’t Even Know All This Has Been Done Before"
People say they remember where they were when Kennedy was shot, when the Challenger blew up, and 9/11. I wasn’t alive for Kennedy, but I...

Michael Gaither | "I Was Never Going To Write What Some People Consider "Normal Songs"
Michael Gaither was raised on the Central California Coast and takes the “write what you know” idea to heart, crafting songs that...

Kolade Olamide Ayodeji | "Dreams Come True Because I Have faith In My Music"
I graduated from an eminent business school with a bachelor of science in business management which made it easier for me to go deeply...

Monte Famous | "Each Week, My Passion For Indie Music Grows Stronger"
‘Monte Famous’, (aka James Irvine radio DJ to the local Forbes area), pours his heart and soul into playing independent music, with his...