Emma Jene | A Girl Needs Her Daddy's Love
Emma Jene is the newest Country Music Sensation sweeping Australia... Emma Jene has been headlining many shows and Musters throughout...

Alyssa Lynn | Dual Finalist Nominee For Nashville Universe Awards
This 16 year old natural born singer / songwriter has “country” in her blood. She may be growing up up in a small town outside of...

ScienceNV | The Mongols
ScienceNV “The Mongols” from the “The Quest for Prester John - Volume 1” The seventies were the musical era that saw the craziest...

Blue Child Collective | Wake Up To The Sound
Fronted by Dan White, an enthusiastic collaborator, multi-instrumentalist and fingerstyle artisan, Blue Child Collective are a fluid...

URF | For the Ride
URF’s For the Ride EP is a slick foray into a cutting-edge blend of neo-psychedelic shoegaze which incorporates a series of more melodic,...

BENoit VinCenT | A Few Frames Away
A passionate musician and composer, BENoît VinCenT works on numerous audiovisual projects (films, commercials, documentaries ...) which...

Alex Arpino | I Remember You (Dancing with the Devil)
Alex Arpino has had a rich history in Perth music, with a decade fronting indie pop purveyors The Autumn Isles behind him, he now sets...