Following 2018’s ‘Life In The Now’ EP, Birmingham singer/multi-instrumentalist Maria Rodriguez - aka MeMe Detroit – re-releases track ‘Will You Be My Lie?’ as a single alongside brand new remixes by producer DantannaBeatz.
Originally recorded along with band members Paris Moon Fennell (bass) and Barney Such (drums), ‘Will You Be My Lie?’ covers themes of infidelity and faithfulness. Written in the first person as a character, the song follows the plight of a woman lost and unhappy in her relationship which leads to her getting her head turned by someone other than her partner. Equally excited and troubled at the prospect of something happening, we’re taken on a journey into her imagination and through her inner thoughts of what’s gotten her to this place and whether the risk would all be worth it.
‘Life In The Now’ is a record covering themes of everyday life in 2018 whilst also giving a subtle nod to one of MeMe’s favourite books, ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle.
Churchside Inn is a direct tribute to MeMe’s favourite pub The Actress & Bishop in Birmingham.Soc Med Junkies hits on the hard truths of Social Media and our unrelenting addiction to it as human beings.
De Moe (meaning the tired or weary in Dutch) is inspired by the negativity that seems to emanate from the human mindset due to the way society has moulded us. The message behind De Moe is one of how life can be made so much better just by changing our mindsets to a positive outlook.
Will you be my lie? Is a narrative track which tells the story from a first person pov about infidelity and lust.
Run Riot was a straight forward song written in 5 minutes that was inspired by the last election result. The message behind the song is Life is what you make of it, you can either sit around moaning about things (in this case, election results) that you don’t like that are out of your control or you can stand up tall and take positive action towards a better and happier life for yourself. The lyrics “Run Riot” in this case stand for just letting yourself loose and having fun in life.
Links to MeMe Detroit
Facebook - http://facebook.com/memedetroitofficial
Twitter - http://Twitter.com/memedetroit
Instagram - http://instagram.com/memedetroit
SmartURL - http://smarturl.it/MeMeDTv