"Broken Inside" by Loo & Monetti

It is always good to be pleasantly surprised. Having never heard the French outfit Loo & Monetti before, I did not know what to expect when I put on my headphones and pushed play on this ten-track album. What I got was a journey through a musical world that is all their own.
From the big, brash electro-pop opener “So Friendly”, to the downtempo beauty of the closing track “The Saddest Clowns”, Loo & Monetti capture the listener with their accomplished mix of haunting vocals and understated production. Loo’s voice conveys the longing and fragility of the lyrics (“I want to breakaway, nothing more” from The Train) and she is amply supported by Monetti’s superb production. In what seems to be a contradiction, the tracks are simultaneously lush and stripped back at the same time – the sign of a master producer at work.
“Broken Inside” demands multiple listens and I look forward to sitting down again and paying this the attention it so richly deserves. It might not be a surprise the second time around, but it will be rewarding nonetheless.
Simon Says 4 out of 5 Stars

Links to Loo & Monetti
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loomonetti/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LOOetMONETTI
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loo_monetti/