W Ed Harris
“Otzi Man” from the “Ye Banks and Braes” Album

There’s something strangely addictive about Celtic music. It evokes a simpler life, tales of knights and maidens and old gods, to a point where you can close your eyes and be transported in another time and space, better than a dream.
If you’re a fan of fantasy, can’t get enough of Lord of the Rings, swear by Game of Thrones, you will love the Ed Harris’s new album “Ye Banks and Braes”, a compilation of traditional and original Celtic instrumentals and ballads. A simple look at the beautiful cover and you’ll understand that this album is the real deal.
Ed is a veteran multi-instrumentalist with a wide range of experience who has focused on Celtic music for over 30 years now, and it’s pretty obvious from the songs and performances on this album that he’s a reference in the genre, and the rich collection of albums on his website is further proof.
With a sound that sparks with lush acoustic instruments, guitars, mandolin, fiddle, percussion, recorders, and in some case Ed’s vocals, from jigs to ballads, this album is a colorful journey. On that “Otzi Man” song, which is an original composition, Ed’s roots are in full display and tell the tale of the Iceman, “5300-year-old tribesman who was found in the mountain range between Austria and Italy”, starting with pounding percussion, fiddle, acoustic guitar and recorder, and Ed’s subdued vocal works a charm, an award winning combination.
Verdict: 5/5 beards - Jump on a dragon and listen to this album asap!

Get this album (and more) from the artist’s website at: https://wedharris.com/music