Earth People Fair is an innovative, eclectic and urgent new album from Western Australian eco-funk/swing outfit, Formidable Vegetable proposing the idea that we can all successfully adapt to our rapidly changing world by practicing Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share - the core ethics of Permaculture (Australian-originated, globally practiced sustainable design process.)
Featuring a cast of legendary musicians from the Grammy-winning Secret Agent 23 Skidoo and Lord Dazastah of legendary Aussie hip-hop outfit Downsyde, to WA’s remote ‘Yagu Wila’ choir and sophisticated electronic production of Melbourne producer, Spoonbill, this is Formidable Vegetable’s most cutting-edge album to date.
Earth People Fair is a manifesto to finding a sense of ‘home’ and is partly inspired by Bruce Pascoe’s book ‘Dark Emu’ about sustainable cultural practices in pre-colonial Australia. The album points to an urgent need for Australians to start recognising and adopting more sustainable land-use in an ecologically-fragile country in order to adapt to the increasingly harsh conditions we all face.
Earth People Fair is out Today, March 15th through all online music stores and will be launched at Earthwise in Subiaco, WA this evening after the international School Strike for Climate with support from Mal Webb & Kylie Morrigan.
About Formidable Veg
Possibly the only band to promote the joys of gardening through dance music, Formidable Vegetable Sound System from Fremantle, Western Australia are the world’s most successful experiment in ‘ecological electroswing’.
With epic live shows consisting of antique beets, ukulele quirk, strings and hyperactive horns, the band has only one goal: to pound simple solutions for sustainability deep into your consciousness in the funkiest way possible.
Having made it into every corner of the globe over the past four years from Glastonbury Festival to the headquarters of the UN, Formidable Vegetable Sound System is paving the way through their special brand of musical activism towards simple solutions to some of the worlds’ biggest problems and are rapidly becoming a favourite at Australian and international festivals such as Woodford (QLD), BOOM (Portugal), City of London Festival (UK), Shambhala (Canada) and Symbiosis (USA).
Realising that music is one of the best tools for bringing about cultural change, Formidable Vegetable Sound System frontman, Charlie Mgee has dedicated his musical mission to composing swingin’ tunes on a ukulele about plants, peak-oil and permaculture that inspire people to create the world they want to live in starting with their own front yards. Joining him is Mal Webb on slide trumpet & trombone, Kylie Morrigan on violin, Tim Bennett on drums and Winx on the beets.
Links to Formidable Vegetable
Official Website: www.formidablevegetable.com.au
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/formidablevegetable
Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/formidablevegetable
Twitter: www.twitter.com/formidableveg
YouTube: www.youtube.com/growdoit