Having just wrapped up a successful string of Victorian dates and Nannup Music Festival sets this month, Alt-celtic/folk songstress Fields is pleased to announce the arrival of her new single and EP 'Gracefield Avenue'.
Whether it is the effortless grace of her melodies, the sweetness of her timbre or the irresistible dash of a Dublin accent, there is something magical in Fields' alluring voice. Based in Perth, the Irish native has earned her stripes fronting sweaty, touring rock bands, but when dynamically stripped back to primal basics, Fields soars and is at her most intense on Gracefield Avenue.
Fields says of her new single, "Gracefield Avenue is about the street in Dublin where I grew up. It holds all my memories of a wild carefree youth. I wanted to write this song to trigger a memory of a place or time in the listeners mind that takes them back there, wherever that is for them and makes them nostalgic. We don’t realise as adults, that those reckless childhood days, for most of us, are some of the best days of our lives that we take for granted. We should always keep a little piece of that with us through life and Gracefield Avenue is my way to remind us of that."
Following on from the raw and vulnerable piano ballad Promises and last year's Neverland, Gracefield Avenue is a proper taste of what Fields does live – an intimate yet boisterous brand of Celtic-flavoured folk, driven by an unrelenting acoustic guitar and meaty foot-stomp beats. Capable of scaling mountainous melodies, Fields' voice can be fragile and delicate, then switch to roaring velocity in a heartbeat. With these ingredients, nothing needs embellishment...the production is lean and muscular, bypassing frills so as to allow her true character to flourish. A lifer musician down to her core, Fields will play anywhere, anytime; recently completing a European tour of her own with shows now locked in for a return trip in August. This experience finds its way into her songs, which are both personal and fantastical. Going forward, the plan is to do more of the same: tour the world, write songs, record and release. Her loyal, ever-growing fanbase can expect to hear a lot more from Fields as she prepares to launch Gracefield Avenue.
New single 'Gracefield Avenue' out now - EP out April 26 iTunes - Apple Music - Spotify - Google Music
Links To Fields
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fieldsmuzic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fields_official/
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/fields_official
Fields 'Gracefield Avenue' EP Launch
Saturday May 18 Kidigo Arthouse, Fremantle (fb event)