Eve Clague
“Young Naïve Me” from the “Young Naïve Me” EP

Described as “urban-folk / singer-songwriter”, coming from Clonakilty in West Cork, UK, comes a debut EP from Eve Clague, and it’s a heartfelt, true and compelling first opus that introduces us to a new voice to follow.
The laid-back groove of that title track is leading the way into Eve’s musical influence, with influences ranging from folk to jazz and country and blues, which are blended here in a seductive way, with Eve’s commanding voice contradicting her theme: it’s hard to believe she’s naïve, at least musically. The drums back beat and instrumentation is creating a soft and engaging bed where Eve’s soulful vocal is soaring and telling her story of fake romance, while the sparse production is on point and creates a relaxed atmosphere.
The rest of the EP doesn’t disappoint, and I would recommend a listen to anyone looking for a new artist with a strong personality and original approach. An artist to follow for sure!
Verdict: 5/5 beards

Find the song and others on Soundcloud at: https://soundcloud.com/eveclague/
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