Duffy & Bird
“Avenue of Luck”

They did it again! Following their acclaimed first EP “5 Lines”, the dynamic UK duo is back with a new single that continues in the vein of folk/Americana acoustic goodness that is their trademark sound.
With a stripped down to the bone production, acoustic guitar, minimal percussion (kick, tambourine, shaker), there’s nothing to distract you from Tricia Duffy’s lovely voice, and the cool harmonies of Al Bird, something the duo is famous for.
The song is a strong one, it’s catchy and it works well even with this limited instrumentation, thanks to the great melodic sensibility and the soulful vocal performances. It’s all about luck, you see, and how some people have more than others, and how in the end, we all should be grateful of what we have. A positive message for a positive song that shines with its genial simplicity and heartfelt delivery.
Recommended to everyone who likes their songs raw and true.
Verdict: 5/5 beards Get it now!

Get the song on Bandcamp at: https://duffyandbird.bandcamp.com/track/avenue-of-luck