Andromeda Anarchia
“Angel’s Fall” from the “Dark Matters"

With a debut EP that is said to have been written during an episode of bipolar disorder, Andromeda Anarchia is establishing herself as an original force in the realm of progressive music, or alternative music, or… actually I’d hate to put this music in a box, because although it integrates many influences from jazz, progressive, rock and even pop, its originality puts it in a genre of its own. Anyway, great music is great music whatever the label you put onto it.
With a predilection for dark moods, odd meters, and extended epics. The Swiss singer-songwriter/producer has hired a band of seasoned musician to deliver this solid first release. From that first song on, you are treated by sequences of delicate soprano vocals on top of odd meters and intricate piano arpeggios, alternating with full force band instrumental coming from grunge or even metal, where the bass is the driving force of the assault (there’s no guitars on the EP, but the bass is filling the role with class).
A truly compelling start and the rest of the EP doesn’t disappoint, as the mood is at times cinematic and others pretty disturbing, but always moving, with Andromeda’s voice rising to epic proportion in songs like “Demons on the Wall” and the instrumental parts are often hypnotic and well done.
Verdict: 5/5 beards an original voice to discover asap!

You can buy this song and the EP on Bandcamp