Jules – "r u rly sorry?"

I think it is important to be honest when reviewing music. Artists invest so much of themselves into their art (I know) - the days, weeks and (sometimes) months it takes to bring a song from an idea to completion is physically and emotionally taxing on the artist. To then lie to the artist about your feelings regarding the finished product is therefore not only dishonest, but disrespectful of the artists and the processes they have been through.
So, I need to be honest here – I do not like this genre of music. R&B Pop (or should that be Pop R&B?) is not something I choose to listen to. Whilst recognizing that it is very popular, I have to profess that I just don’t get it. And that is why it came as a surprise to me that I liked this track from Jules.
Available on May 1st, “r u rly sorry?” is a slice of electronica-tinged R&B Pop, produced by David Bone and Cameron Wroblewski, which sees the singer questioning the sincerity of a significant other. Starting with minimal synths before adding trap-style beats, “r u rly sorry?” is a satisfying piece of electronic music in its own right. The star of the show though is Jules (aka Julianna Isabella Pollifrone from San Jose, California) and her wonderfully expressive vocal style. These vocals are the glue to this track and the reason I found myself listening to it again and again. And to be honest, it’s why I tracked down her earlier track (“Eyes Shut”) and gave it some listens as well.
That then, is my honest review. I will probably still avoid this genre but what I won’t do is avoid this artist. I think Jules will be someone to watch and I will be following her and her music with keen interest.
Simon says 4 out of 5 stars.

Take a look at Jules video on our Video Of The Week page this week.
Links to Jules
Website: http://www.julessong.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sheisjuless
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sheisjules/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheisjules