This week, Music Talks is talking with Alan “Buddha Man” K. Lohr, a veteran radio DJ from California, about his “Radio Domination Streaming Network”, what’s his experience in radio, and what’s going on under the hood of Kong and Monster Rock radios.
Q: Hi Alan, could you tell our readers about you and what you do?
A: My start in Los Angeles radio began in 1978 when I worked for powerhouse station KROQ 106.7 FM. I developed two shows there and got involved with new and upcoming bands. A couple bands I helped on the road to success were Oingo Boingo, Gentle Giant, Devo and so many more over the years. I now own the Radio Domination Streaming Network. I’ve trimmed the network down to the two most popular stations which are KONG MonsterRock.net which features deep cuts of Classic Rock, new and upcoming talent and original programming.
Q: You go by the name of “Buddha Man”. What’s the story behind that?
A: In 1998 I invited a former Buddhist Monk to my home, he wanted to see my Buddha Collection. I have more than 500 different Buddha’s and images I’ve collected for many years. Some going back 500 years. He turned to me after seeing the entire collection and said: “Alan, you are a Buddha Man because you have many Buddha’s.” I told my wife Kathleen and she suggested I use BuddhaMan as my radio name when I produce my next radio show. The name has stuck to me for 20 years.
Q: When did you start RDSN and what motivated you to do it?
A: I didn’t start RDSN. Here is the story: I was on a new station called ERRORFM and a guy by the name of Jayden Prince created KONG for me. So, I resigned my position at ERRORFM and became the Program and Music Director of the station. Jayden had a brain tumor and was in a hospice for years. I purchased the network from him to carry on what Jayden had created. At the time I bought it, there were seven stations. I have retired three of those, as I mentioned before. KXFU is run by the owner and founder of Frontier Records, Lisa Fancher. We went to the same High School and Lisa knows a lot of new bands as well as signing (in the 70’s and ’80s) Suicidal Tendencies, The Circle Jerks, The Adolescents and many more. It is a very eclectic station and very original in its the concept of 21st-century Programming.
Q: Did you have prior experience in radio before that?
A: Yes, I did. I have loved radio for many years. KROQ, KPFK, and KCRW. I created a metaphysical program in the ’80s called “The Third Eye”. That show was hosted and produced by me and I had a talent booker as well. It investigated the paranormal. It was one of the first shows of its kind as the time. I interviewed many celebrities and people who were working in that field. My co-host when the show started was John Green. John was the live-in psychic to John Lennon and lived in the Dakota where Lennon lived. Yoko evicted him when Lennon died.

Q: What is your first radio-related memory?
A: I got to interview and help Oingo Boingo on their road to success. I also interviewed people like Peter Gabriel, the band Journey (backstage at the Coliseum here in L.A.) and so many more. KROQ was totally freeform radio at that time so I produced, wrote and hosted that show. It was called “The International Experience.” It was the summer of 1979. I still do that show live on Saturday nights.
Q: Do you do live shows, or do you pre-record?
A: Yes, I do. I host a four-hour live radio show with musical guests and celebrities on Saturday nights. Used to be every week, now it’s when I have a great band or guest that wants to come on the show. I also pre-record a show called “Echoes of Rock & Roll.” That airs Saturdays and Sundays at 10:00 AM (PST). The show also airs on KTHO in South Lake Tahoe Sunday’s at 5pm (PST). It is AM and FM.
Q: Do you have live acts during your shows?
A: As I mentioned before I have solo acts and full bands on the show Saturday nights. Over the past ten years, I have had over 500 + bands and musicians on the show. That is very important to me. Concentrating on Indie bands in Los Angeles and sometimes from other places in the world.
Q: Do you do artists interviews?
A: I host a show called BuddhaMan’s Musicians Corner. It is on hiatus at the moment. I am going to start producing that show again soon. If anyone out there want to sponsor that show, let me know. That show was pre-recorded on a podcast app called SpareMin. That app is gone. I did over 700 interviews with musicians from all over the world. Last count, bands from 35 different countries.
Q: Your network “Radio Domination Streaming Network” (RDSN in short) airs on the internet, do you also air on FM/AM? Where can we find you?
A: Only one show, Echoes of Rock & Roll airs on KTHO in Lake Tahoe.
Q: RDSN is really 2 radios, how does that work? What are the differences between these channels?
A: KONG is Classic Rock and Indie bands and KXFU is Eclectic.
Q: Are you alone running the radios, or do you have people helping?
A: I do everything. Lisa Fancher, who I mentioned before programs KXFU and hosts a show called “Schizophonic Sounds.” I program and do all the backstage work for KONG. PD, MD, GM and Owner.
Q: Is the show in a special studio or are you running it from home?
A: I have built a small studio in my home. I have a special broadcast tower and a board (among other things you need to broadcast}. I’ve been broadcasting from here for 10 years.
Q: How much time do you spend preparing your shows?
A: Usually the Saturday show takes about 6 hours to prepare. Echoes takes about three to produce that one-hour show in two segments.
Q: Do you play unsigned music only or also commercial music?
A: One of my favorite things to do is discover new music and musicians. Many unsigned acts have been on my show and continue in rotation on KONG.
Q: What kind of music do you play?
A: KONG is Classic Rock, deep cuts and familiar tunes mixed in with unsigned acts.
Q: What kind of music do you like?
A: I like all kinds of music. I grew up playing clarinet so classical music is very important to me. I listen to that kind of music a lot. My other favorite is Classic Rock. I grew up going to see all those bands. Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Yes and so many more.
Q: How do you find the music you play?
A: I investigate Bandcamp, Facebook, and Twitter. I get a lot of submissions in my email every day. I also have a talent scout in New Orleans who has music sent to me all the time.
Q: Do you have sponsors? How is the radio funded?
A: I do not have any sponsors right now. I have had many. If anyone wants to promote their business or band, they can contact me. Lisa Fancher helps pay and I pay the rest. There are so many levels of a station many people do not even know about, I handle all that business.
Q: Could you tell us about your typical radio day?
A: Let’s take Monday. I receive all the new original programming for KONG and upload and program all those shows. I also program “The day in Rock” every day and other shows that need to be worked on or edited. I also am looking for a gig in Los Angeles again. BuddhaMan does not live by water alone. LOL.
Q: What is your feeling about streaming platforms, like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc.?
A: I think there should be more money given to the artists. Right now, these large corporate entities do not pay enough to the artists that are on their platform. This must change. Musicians should get some of that money. Imagine how much money that they put in their bank accounts. Now imagine what a struggling band or solo acts getting from there. As my dad used to say: “It’s highway robbery.” There has to be a system where artist get what they deserve. Right now, many are just taken advantage of. Hopefully, that will change…
Q: How much presence do you have on social media? Do you think it's important to be there and what do you do to promote your radio?
A: I have a page for all the shows I produce, radio stations and my personal pages. I am on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. I tend to post on those daily. I also have websites for the two stations to listen. I am also on iTunes and Tunein.com. I have shows on CastBox as well. Soon, I will join another platform. I can’t say now. I have to wait until they update their app.
Q: What advice would you give to unsigned artists who would like to submit to your show? What advice would you give them for their career?
A: Don’t give up. If your music means so much to you, keep doing it. Get it out there. There are a lot of bands, the ones who actually go forward are the bands and musicians that are around for a while and keep putting out new original material. Believe in yourself!
Q: Do you have any issues with the world of unsigned music, or the world of internet radios, things that bugs you and/or you'd like to talk about?
A: No, I don’t look at anything in a negative way. It’s all still a new medium for music. Like I mentioned before, their must be a new system for musicians to make money for their work.
Q: Do you think you get enough support from your listeners and the artists you play?
A: I think I could get more. I give out so much and I need sponsors and that is the problem. There are so many ways to listen to music, I do not get the support that I need. It usually comes right out of my pocket to support what i am doing.
Q: Any band/artist that has impressed you last year that you would like people to know about?
A: There are so many. I like Surgeon Marta, I also like Ghostly Beard. That is some original composition. I have listened to so many bands, it is difficult to mention all of them…
Q: Any plans for RDSN Radios and Alan “Buddha Man” in 2019? Or beyond?
A: I look to the future with optimism. Through good times and bad, until the day I die, I will always be in the business of radio and the musicians that make that music.
Q: Anything else you'd want to add?
A: Yeah, thanks for the interview. I really appreciate it when people take notice of the work I do and the bands and musicians that I help. Cheers!

Links to Alan "Buddah Man" K. Lohr
Website: http://www.rdsn.net/
Twitter; https://twitter.com/BuddhaManintexp
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alanklohr/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buddhaman999/