“Celebrity Chef” from the “Meandersaur” album

“Does humour belong in music?” – the late Frank Zappa used to ask the question… And what better answer than this splendid new album, full of off-kilter lyrical observations and sudden harmonic left-turns?
The long awaited full featured album from Andrew Gosden, a genial multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, and producer extraordinaire from Brisbane, Australia, - christened “Fytakyte” for the occasion -, finally hits the stores and boy, was it worth the wait!
With a knack for catchy choruses, hard hitting riffs and many twists and turns, Andrew fills this album with gem after gem, and it’s damn hard to pick up a favorite. The lyrics are clever like on this “Celebrity Chef”, a take on everyone’s thirst for fame: “Everybody wants to be a celebrity chef, nobody wants to do the dishes”. The production is top of the line, with fantastic guitar parts, pounding drums and growling bass, and passionate vocals with that high pitch vocal that is so recognizable, plus the mixing is full of ear candies that will reveal themselves upon each new listen, a real feast.
With that album, Andrew defines a style of his own and keeps the listener’s attention throughout for a journey into his rocking, ironic universe, aligning catchy song one after another, and you’re left with only one option when the last chord stops ringing: play it again from the start!
Verdict: 5/5 beards - Highly recommended, top notch album for everyone!

Get the album on Bandcamp: https://fytakyte.bandcamp.com/album/meandersaur