Avi Wisnia
“Something New” from the “Something New” album

If you’re looking for something new, you will definitely find it in Avi Wisnia new album.
Describing his music as a blend of Ben Folds meet Norah Jones (if they had a lovechild in Brazil). There is a pop edge to his jazz-oriented music and it’s clear that the singer songwriter from Morrisville, PA, has deep influences in Bossa Nova as well. All of this is creating a blend of music that is endearing, catchy and fresh.
On the title track, all of these influences are particularly effective, and the song also contains references/winks to the Beatles and Sade and the Jobim’s Girl from Ipanema, which is really fun! Great groove and nice dynamics, with verses building up to full funky chorus and even a rocking guitar solo, on the track the piano especially shines in parts that are looking towards Brazil while grounding the tune into the best of jazz territory.
It doesn’t hurt that Avi’s vocals are particularly appealing with a deep and soulful voice that sounds like it has learned a lot from crooners of yesteryear, yet with his own modern inflections.
Verdict: 5/5 beards

Get the album from Avi’s store: https://aviwisnia.bigcartel.com/product/something-new-cd