Singer/Songwriter Renee Lamy is thrilled to announce the release of her latest single, "Losing Game" available everywhere on January 18th, 2019.
"Losing Game," a pop soul song with elements of blues is reminiscent of Julia Michaels' style and is Renee's second original release with more anticipated to come this year.
When talking about her latest single, Renee says, "writing this song was very therepeutic for me. I think in life, you are going to encounter all types of people, some will add positivity and some will do the opposite. It is important to be able to recognize who isn't adding anything positive to your life and be able to choose yourself over them, despite how much you may care for them. This song was and still is a reminder to me to move forward and to surround myself with only great people."
This is Renee's second single to be released, following her song "Let You Go" that was released in March of 2018. Both songs were recorded with Ryley Music Productions and Renee is excited to continue to share more of her music with everyone.
In conclusion, Renee says, "I hope this song is something that everyone can relate to in some way, no matter your situation. My favorite thing about music is the way it makes you feel inside when the lyrics and music hit you just right, so I hope to give people that experience through this song and future music." Catch Renee performing the debut of her new single Losing Game at NU Kitchen in Worcester on January 19th.
Losing Game is available January 18th on all music streaming sites.
Links to Renee Lamy
Website: https://www.reneelamy.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renee.lamy/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/reneelamy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/renee.lamy.710