I’ve always made music with computer and electronics, but my background comes from a completely different place in the music world—classical and jazz music.
I went to music school and studied the double bass where I got to learn from some really incredible people. My first teacher Mike Richmond has played with some of the greatest jazz musicians ever and studied with John Coltrane’s longtime bassist Jimmy Garrison.
After that I worked with Robert Black who is the current bassist in the Bang On A Can All-Stars.
A lot of what Hot Wobble is about is trying to integrate these two sides of my musical life.
The acoustic stuff comes from a long tradition of ideas being passed down from teacher to student whereas the electronic world is kind of the wild west.
There are no rules, most of the musicians are self taught, and there isn’t any tradition of how the knowledge is passed on between generations because it’s too new.
Links to Hot Wobble
Bandcamp: https://hotwobble.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hotwobble/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realhotwobble
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/realhotwobble/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/realhotwobble
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