Coming into conception in the northern suburbs of London, amongst copious amounts of tea and the occasional Frisbee session, the track MRI uniquely highlights the talents of its three creators. Melbourne singer/producer Xylo Aria teams up with London songwriters and producers Morghan James and James Crisp to create this captivatingly smooth creation. The initially minimalist track tells a story through it's slow but deliberate build to transport the listener to a slightly different destination that one would originally expect.
Aria’s signature vocals provide an entrancing bed for the lyrical creations of congestive linguist, Morghan James, this coupled with mastering at the prestigious Abbey Road Studios by the talented Christian Wright (Massive Attack, Radiohead, Bjork, Coldplay) makes for an alluring track. The transition from a steel string guitar and an easy drum groove to a harder synth and more experimental, rythmic section is seamless and provides a polished track with an element of surprise.
The song discusses the way thoughts and perceptions of people can morph and change drastically as people age and bring their own life experience into their comprehension of the world, to the extent that the context and meaning of a pure image can be changed completed depending on the eyes it’s viewed through.
Xylo Aria will be celebrating the release at Strongroom Bar in Shoreditch, London on the 19th of December 2018 where entry will be free.
There are also remixes of the track in the pipeline from producers across the UK, Australia and Norway.
The collaborative releases are to continue for Xylo Aria through the early months of 2019 with tracks currently in completion with other UK artists, including south London rapper Stacey Foxx as well as producers closer to home. This will be followed by her debut self produced EP, talking about environmental issues close to her heart. So keep your ears peeled for more.
Links to Xylo Aria
Website: http://www.xyloaria.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/xyloaria
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xyloaria
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xyloaria/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz4qcy35rZ6P6pHkp9e0LlQ
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/xyloaria