As "Young Adult Artist of the Year" at the 2018 Josie Music Awards, this 18 year old singer/songwriter and Multi-Instrumentalist from Barrie Ontario, Canada is becoming a name to remember! Maddie has been playing and studying music for twelve years, and started performing wherever possible since she was 8. Writing, preforming and recording her music has become her love. Maddie is proving her dream to make music her whole life is definitely becoming her reality.
You are about to release your fourth single called “Exhale”. Can you share with your fans the meaning of “Exhale” and how you came up with the title?
Maddie: The meaning of “Exhale”, while it has many sad lyrics and points throughout the song, was mainly to remind myself that even when things get tough, sometimes all you need to do is take in a big breath, and then exhale. It’s easy to forget that doing such a simple thing can help you take in your surroundings and figure out how to go about fixing your issue.
Do you write all of your own songs? Have you ever collaborated with anyone when writing your music? Is there a particular theme you want your fans to relate to when they listen to your music?
Maddie Response: So far I have been mostly writing all my own songs. I have done a bit of collaboration with others, but have yet to release any of those works in progress. Currently I am going through a lot of changes in my life right now, and writing about each situation helps me get through them. My music tends to explain what I’m going through, and also attempts to show a resolution to the issue if there is one.
You have recorded 4 studio songs. Can you describe what one of your days in the studio is like for fans?
Maddie Response: A day in the studio starts off very fast paced. I normally get into the studio and show the producer in person which song we will be tackling. From there I lay down the first instrument, which will be whatever I have written the song on. After a few takes of that, we then lay down a bunch of vocals and finally the magic happens. We start adding the next instruments and ideas that have been floating around in my head. Drums, bass and guitar are built into the song and by then, that normally covers a full day in the studio. From there it’s a lot of fine tuning and realizing where I really would like the song to go. It’s always a new experience and I don’t think I could ever get tired of watching my songs develop into their final mix.
You not only sing, you play guitar, piano, offer vocal lessons and teach piano. How does that experience influence your own music recordings?
Maddie Response: Teaching is a job like no other. It is extremely rewarding, and always puts a smile on my face. It’s so amazing to see other kids finally finish a song that they have been working on for what seems like forever. What’s even more astounding is what I learn from them as well. Each time I teach a new concept, it helps me understand what it is I am teaching even better, and sometimes it helps me figure out an easier way to accomplish something. I take that everywhere with me, not just into recording. If teaching has really taught me anything, it is to be open with learning.
You recently won the "Young Adult Artist of the Year" at the 2018 Josie Music Awards. How has winning influenced the future possibilities for your career as a musician?
Maddie Response: Winning any award is a push in the right direction, but winning something as highly acclaimed as a Josie Award is just incredibly motivating. It allows me to have more faith in myself that I have the ability to accomplish my dreams, and it shows that I have been working hard to reach them. I am still so honoured to have taken home that award, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by the local press around my city. Overall, it just proves to me that I am on the right track with my life, and it drives me to continue working hard.
Rumor has it that Maddie Mueller is also an amazing softball pitcher. Outside of music, what are some other interests, including softball that fans may like to know about? How have these outside influences impacted your music or creativity?
Maddie Response: Haha, I do love my softball! I have been playing for 10 years, and it’s my second love after music! I have a few other hobbies and interests as well. I really love to write stories. If I had the dedication to write a full book, I definitely would. That’s a trait that runs in my family through, because both my brother and sister are fantastic writers as well. On top of that, I also love to stargaze. Space really intrigues me so I like to learn all about what’s beyond our planet. And one of the things that I am truly the best at are puns. I love making them any chance I get. If you ask anyone that knows me, they’ll tell you just how annoying I can get with them. But above all that, music is my number one interest, and that is something I will never get enough of.
You not only support your own music, but can be found supporting others via Teen Talks. How has being part of Teen Talks impacted your music career?
Maddie Response: Teen talks has opened my door to so many amazing opportunities, but above that it has allowed me to start conversations with some ridiculously talented young artists. Each time I interview one of them, I find myself being completely inspired. I say it all the time, but being surrounded by like minded people is one of the best feelings, and TeenTalks has opened so many doors in that respect. If I could have them all in the same place, I would! TeenTalks is for the musicians, from the musicians, and I think that automatically impacts each artists’ career.
Where can fans find your music, performance information, merchandise…? Is there anything else you would like fans to know?
Maddie Response: My music is available on all streaming sites under the name Madison Mueller. I am also on all social medias:
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/maddiemakesmusic77/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maddiemakesmusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_maddiemueller_
I am working towards getting some merchandise in the next few months and I am super excited for it. I will be playing at a showcase called Glow over the next month and the dates will be listed on my website: www.maddiemakesmusic.com. And finally, my song “Exhale” will be dropping on November 22nd! Make sure to check it out!