Australian Rory Phillips is at just 12, an amazingly skilled guitarist and vocalist. Rory is on his way to becoming a household name in his own country, but we’re sure he won’t stop there. We know world tours are in his future.
Rory has a passion for country music, rock, and blues. He mixes his performances with his favorite covers and some songs he’s written. When watching Rory’s videos, the most enticing thing about him is his energy. This passion has taken him to win many a competition, with a fistful of awards to his name, musician Rory was short listed as lead guitarist in the ‘School of Rock.’ He’s one young artist who has the makings of a future ‘great’.
F&H: When did you first start to sing?
Rory: I first started singing when I was about 8, but I’ve been playing guitar since I was 6. I think of myself as a guitarist more than a singer to be.
F&H: Why do you like country music, and who is your hero?
Rory: I like the storytelling aspect of country music and the people I’ve met through playing it. My all-time hero is Joe Walsh (The Eagles) but my Aussie music hero would be Bill Chambers (Kasey’s dad), because he’s the first person to believe in me. I’m really into the blues and rock too, I like lots of different types of music.
F&H: Who chooses what songs you’ll sing?
Rory: I mostly choose what to sing, Mum will tell me I can’t do a song if she doesn’t think it’s age appropriate.
F&H: Do you see yourself making music your career?
Rory: Yes! I definitely want to be involved in music as a career. Do you?
"Rory our whole lives are about music, writing songs, recording our songs and performing them it’s all we ever want to do. Our Mum says we started our music careers the moment we started being professional musicians." Faith
F&H: When your not performing what do you like to do?
Rory: I Ride my motorbike, play with my pets, work on our Jag (an old Jaguar car I’m restoring with Dad) and just jam.
"Rory working on an old car sounds cool!"... Harry
F&H: What do your friends think about your talent, and do they treat you differently to other kids.
Rory: My music friends are very supportive but the kids at school don’t really care. I get treated differently at school because I don’t play sport, not because of my music. I often feel left out and like I don’t have many friends outside of music.
Faith...."So sorry you feel isolated Rory, I get that, Harry and I both being musicians are really close. We’re homeschooled, so we don’t suffer from relationship problems at school. As you get into your teens you’ll find more kids take up music and you’ll have more friends to share time with."
F&H: What’s your favorite subject at school.
Rory: My favourite subject is science.

F&H: Do you have a strict schedule so you can meet the demands of your school work and Music studies.
Rory: No not really! I’m still in primary school so that might change next year but hopefully I can still fit everything in.
F&H: Do you have any pets and what are they called.
Rory: I’ve got a rescue dog called Aggie and a black and white bunny called Oreo (my brother’s bunny is called Snugglepot). We have 3 chickens but they don’t have names because we can’t tell them apart! We also have tropical fish.
F: Harry is always hungry so he always asks everyone what their favorite food is, Harry just likes food! Lol Faith?
Rory: My favourite food is my Mumma’s tacos, what’s yours Harry?
"Rory I luv Pizza, Mums home made shepherds pie, her chili’s delicious, oh! And my big bro throws a mean steak lol!"... Harry
H: Thanks Faith! Lol! Harry, Faith always likes to know if you get to perform anywhere in the world where would it be? Faith’s favorite city in the world is Paris.
Rory: Wembley Stadium in England, because it’s the biggest stadium in the world and all the greats have played there. If you play Wembley, you know you’ve made it!
F&H:Do you have any siblings, and is anyone else in your family a musician?
Rory: I’ve got a little brother called Reuben; He’s learning the drums but nobody else in my family plays anything.
F: Sorry it’s a clothes question, I am a girl after all! (Faith) Do you live in cowboy boots like they do in Nashville?
Rory: NO!! I don’t even own a pair of cowboy boots, I’m more of a Cons kinda guy!
F&H: My favorite sport is soccer I follow English team Chelsea Harry, Rory do you follow a sport?
Rory: I’m not really into sports but I follow the MotoGP and sometimes the V8s and F1s.
F: Rory do you name your guitars like I do? (Faith) My blue one is called ‘The Blue Moon’ and my new guitar is called the ‘Blue Devide’
Rory: I’ve never named any of my guitars apart from calling them my babies! Then again, I have 12 guitars so it would be hard to keep up.
Rory thank you so much for being so candid with us and a huge thank you to your Mum for her help too. And yes! We’d luv to meet you, hit us up if you get to the US or UK Faith & Harry
Links to Rory Phillips
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoryPhillipsAU/
Website: https://www.roryphillips.com.au