It's been two decades since Jon and Jennifer met and fell in love.
Someplace Like America, their first album is the sound of a working-class family band whose members have survived homelessness, religiously zealous childhoods, overseas stints in the Navy, dead-end jobs, and depression. These songs tell autobiographical stories about survival, big dreams, harsh realities, and bittersweet victories, with Bearing Torches finding plenty of source material in their own history.
Bearing Torches isn't just a band. It's a love story. It's a family. In a town filled with country stars and first-rate sidemen, this is a hardscrabble rock & roll group whose musical chops weren't taught in some classroom, but learned onstage instead.
"A lot of what we've experienced isn't necessarily table conversation," Jon admits, "but I know it's something a lot of people go through. Where do you go to talk about the things people are feeling on a daily basis behind closed doors? In a world where you become more and more isolated with social media, how can you shine a light on what people are actually going through? How do you tell that story? You can tell that story in a rock & roll song. You can't tell it in a pop song, or at a dinner table, or at a party. This form of rock & roll is the only natural place where this kind of communication can really live. You've gotta talk about it somewhere, and this feels like the place to do it."
Bearing Torches has just released their brand new single, 'Never Heard Bob Dylan' which is a 'soul-meets-rock n' roll ballad and draws the listener in with Jon's raspy vocals, catchy hooks, and guitar heavy melodies, leaves the fans wanting more. They really hone in on the craft of songwriting and storytelling, allowing it to be the forefront of their music.
Links to Bearing Torches
Website: https://www.bearingtorches.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bearingtorches/​
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bearingtorches/