And then it came to me... directly from a post on "The Instagram" (as Lieutenant Provenza from Major Crimes calls it !). I'm an avid fan of Top Crime , the only other TV channel worth watching is Focus, but don't let me get waylaid into talking about TV.
Anyway as I was saying...
And then it came to me directly from a post on The Instagram "It's never to late to be what you might have been" (G. Elliot) ... That made me think, something that I try not to do very often, generally makes my brain fry... Have you ever experienced the odour of a frying brain..? I can tell ya, it's not the most pleasant of smells, I speak from experience, mine fries quite often.
Why oh why, after so many years working in the music environment, producing, writing, arranging, engineering, singing and playing for others, have I never created something of my own ? I asked myself.
Good question, but I could not for the life of me find the answer. Maybe it has to do with my reserved nature, not wanting to be "in the spotlight", I've always preferred working behind the scenes or locked away in some basement with a tape machine...then, a computer... now, a pair of decent speakers, maybe a mixing desk and a couple of keyboards, that was and has been my life for many, many years, ever since I started making music way back when there were no cell phones nor tablets, when MP3 had to do with the law, like 3 bobbies knocking at my door, telling me that they've received complaints about the noise from neighbours, but what the hell did I care, then I was but a sibling with just one thought on my mind, making music ! Well that isn't exactly the only thing I thought about, an understatement really, I mean, I was a normal teenager, I did think of other things, but not a good idea to mention those here.
So after years of programming the early drum machines, synths, keyboards and such like, (in those days not everybody was capable of doing these things,) and writing poopy little pieces of music for a music archive, that then went on to be sold to various small TV and cinema production companies, becoming an expert in copying styles from the great electronic composers of the day, to be used in B and C rated movies, playing six nights a week in the Dine and Dance Restaurants and Clubs in London, working in various recording studios as an engineer/producer/arranger, every once in a while I got called to do a vocal session here and there, lots of coffee and thousands of indian and chinese take out, I went broke.
I lost everything I had in the economic crash which happened in the late eighties in the UK. After hanging on by the skin of my teeth for a couple of years doing small time production work for a small independent record label in London, my lawyer and accountant both advised me to leave the country, mainly because the authorities were catching up with me and if I stayed there any longer I would have been in a real mess, and so in 1990 I finally make my decision to leave my home and the country which I still love and miss so much..!
I packed my bags and accepted a job as musical director for a small insignificant tour in Italy, much to the dismay of my good friends in the UK and going against all of their advice, in April 1991 I moved to central Italy and have been here ever since.
Restarting a life in a foreign country isn't the easiest of things to do, I can assure you, even though my parents, god bless them, were originally from Italy and I had been here many times before, it was still a foreign country to me.
Its one thing being here on holiday, but a whole different ball game living here.
I did the tour hoping to earn enough and put some cash aside for my future plans which were to make my way to either Australia or the U.S. but alas, my friends comments and thoughts concerning working in Italy, which I didn't really didn't take into consideration at the time, came true and I was royally screwed from behind by the management company who were looking after the tour at the time. I had been promised and guaranteed at least 40 dates and it turned out to be a little less than 20 over a 4 month period, I had been promised a contract that never materialised and finally, the small amount of money I earned was used to keep me while I was on tour, I ended up having to stay in Italy and 26 years later I'm still here.
However, not all bad, after a couple of years coming to terms with the language and working here and there in various different situations, both in the music environment and not, I finally went into partnership with a couple of guys in Rome and we opened a small production studio which worked nicely for a while, we did some nice work for a couple of film scores and lots of small stuff for TV shows and advertising, but that fell apart around in the mid 2000’s after one of the partners, unfortunately left us prematurely.
Since then I have been working in various situations in the music environment both live and studio as well as teaching in private schools in and around central italy, but have never up until now really ever considered producing my own music.
Earlier this year I finally made the decision to start composing and recording again, but I wanted to do something which is mainly based on my personal musical taste rather than just compose and produce music for the sake of it.
So here I am 60 years old and back to producing my own style and brand of Chillout and Lounge music, which brings me back to the the quote above “It's never to late to be what you might have been" (G. Elliot)
Originally I played percussion and some keyboards, accordion being the instrument I studied at a very young age, I also later on went on to be a vocalist and singer and have studied vocal technique amongst other things, which I still teach, to be able to maintain myself. But my true musical passion is Ethnic music and World Music, this coupled with my love for Electronic music and EDM has lead to what I consider to be my style and I am now producing music in a definite style which can be considered World Fusion/EDM.
The project also includes my other lifelong love for visual art, photography, Videography and Graphic art. I create all of my own artwork and videos which I am also very passionate about, hence the choice of my Artists Name Quint S Ence and the quote: "Think of the fifth essence as the spirit, the soul, the centre of all living matter".
Quint S Ence is born to try and capture that very soul and spirit of the fine art of sound and imagery. Music and images which I hope will transport whoever wishes to listen or view, into their very own fifth essence wherever that may be.
This in short is my story, My name is Remo Fiore I am, and always have been a musician and have worked in the music environment professionally ever since I can remember. I now compose, produce, record and mix under the artist name Quint S Ence. I love my music and I truly hope I can find other people out there who can appreciate and enjoy listening to my music as much as I love creating it.
Thanks for Chillin’ with Q, I’ll see ya around the web.
Hit the fan link for my music and choose where you prefer to listen
and please feel free to follow Quint S Ence on my socials.