Freedom to Glide
“Silent Code” from the “Fall” Album

In the last few decades, progressive rock has gained the reputation of being geek music, opaque and riddled with unnecessary virtuosity for the sake of it. Once a truly original genre where no boundaries existed, and striving for musical depth, today it is a genre that abound with conventions and little invention. Its fans are mostly intolerant to any deviation from the norm, which is the opposite of what the genre was standing for in its inception.
It is all the more refreshing then to hear this band and this album, which aim for melodic and thematic depth, rather than showing off. Nothing of the nonsensical and abrupt transitions of progressive metal, with its tiring double-kick blasts and distorted riffs performed on 8 strings low tuned guitars, punctuated by unintelligible grunts, the kind that makes me yawn and shake my head wondering what happened?
Here we have delicate melodies, themes that take their time to develop, music with depth… From the short "Fall" introductory piece to this longer “Silent Code” song and all the way through this album, we’re treated to the sound of that band which features warm acoustic guitars, tasty piano, engaging drums and bass, a distinctive lead vocal and the warmth of great vocal harmonies. The lead guitars are not trying to play scales faster than Lucky Luke, but rather offer melodic counterpoint and welcomed instrumental rests.
It’s no surprise that this band is formed of veteran musicians, coming from Pink Floyd tribute band, with which this album shares some of the best traits.
The album is the second of a trilogy about “a century of war”, following their excellent “Rain” but a notch above. If you believe that progressive rock is about depth rather than glittering attitude, listen to this asap!
Verdict: 5/5 beards Top of the class

You can buy this song and the album on Bandcamp: