Toronto/Vancouver based Jade The Moon is excited to announce 11:11. The Sophmore offering from the band is set for release fall 2018. On this unique and sonically adventurous Alt-Pop record is a collection of tracks the group says are best described as “musical photographs”. A moment in time turned dance party, a true story turned love song, a daydream turned erie Anti-Pop lullaby. Real world inspiration. 11:11 is the follow up to the group’s self-produced 2015 debut release ‘Habits and Hindrance’ sees the continued theme of “cycles” in human nature.
This record differs from the last in that the group, for the first time, has collaborated with other producer-songwriters. Colin Munroe, Adam King and Nathan Ferraro add a special blend of production and pop influence to the bands experimental alternative sound. The band agrees that although it’s a never ending process, the sound is certainly more focused on 11:11 and feel the two years between records has really strengthened the songwriting. When asked the standard questions about influences etc…Benjamin Thomas (guitar/keyboards) says “this is a collection of very honest songs’ and it’s been such a pleasure searching for a combination of our individual influences that range from classics like Janis Joplin to modern indie darlings like Lykki Li (on the vocal side of things) and Smashing Pumpkins to Phantogram sonically. “We’ve all written about these topics in the past, but this time collectively the ideas are presented on a much more ‘human’ level, the productions really serve and support the lyric”, adds drummer Jeremy Morgan.
Conversional Tracks like ‘Fall For This’ and ‘Lots Of Money’ are reminders that sometimes letting go is better than holding on, while ‘Awkward’ is cleverly written song about the struggles many of us face with social acceptance and embracing our insecurities.
Currently the band is busy preparing the live show and planning East and West coast runs of US and Canada for Fall of 2018. Accompanied by mesmerizing moving visuals that include hand painted interpretations of each of the albums tracks, Jade The Moon deliver an explosive visual translation of the studio recordings in a live setting. Additionally, the band is working alongside Black Cartel, a Toronto based film production company, in the creation of an eleven minute short film. Each of the 11 tracks on 11:11 are twisted, turned and manipulated into the soundtrack of a twilight zone esque story; 3 people trapped in a wrinkle of time. The band will premiere the short film and perform the soundtrack during the Toronto International Film Festival 2018.
If it’s an emotional roller coaster you’re looking for; let Jade The Moon take you new places. These new songs truly reflect our stories, says singer Dani Le Rose. “Although VERY personal and coming from VERY different places our collective experiences feel universal and we can’t wait to share them with you.” The second single from 11:11 THE TIDE released July 27th. In a world full of uncertainty, doubt and fear Jade The Moon revel in the outlet and freedom in making unapologetic music.
Links to jade the moon
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/jadethemoon/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/jadethemoon
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jadethemoon/