Erin at Eleven
“Only Myself to Blame”

I like artists who are taking risks, trying new styles and sounds and daring to be different. Actually, I wouldn’t dare giving this one a genre, nor would I try to pin this artist into one genre box either.
Erin at Eleven, a singer-songwriter, producer from Scotland is well know for her versatile output ranging from rock to folk to alternative to grunge to trip hop and everything in between.
This one new single is more modern sounding, with big drone-y synths and 808, but it’s not the kind you dance on though, it’s more of a low-key mid tempo thing that will grow on you and will make you sing along. It tells of someone choosing to step away and making her own decision, which is pretty much what Erin is doing with her music. I can’t help but cheer at the idea!
This song has plenty of cool ear candies for your enjoyment, I particularly like the piano motif that is going on throughout the song, with its cool kind of baroque melody that is almost incongruous but makes the song for me. To note the great vocals, and doubling harmonies, the light synth pads that are way down but contributes along with delays and reverb to create a warm ambiance on this mostly electronic song.
Well done, Erin! Well produced, cool ideas for a song that will stick into your head long after you’ve heard it.
Verdict: 5/5 beards

You can buy this song and the EP on Erin's Website: