Rob Dickson's describes his first album as a personal statement. A lot of the songs were stories or poems that reflected where Rob was in with his life, the transition into adulthood, and becoming a father.
"In 2016, on my way back from some shows in Ontario, I remember thinking about what would inform my next record. I’ve always thought a lot about how experiences and memories tend to colour my view of the world, and how they establish predispositions and biases." - Rob further states that a lot of people never acknowledge how coloured their vision of the world is.
"I think that effect is amplified as the world continues to become more violent and torn. I started writing down some lyrics and actually wrote the beginnings of one of the song’s for this record [Holding Steady] during that flight. I actually wrote a lot of the songs sitting in planes, trains or cars, looking out the window. When I started compiling songs for the album, I noticed that a lot of the stuff I had written also had characters that were grappling with memories and perspective." - says Rob.
"Water Rushing In" is from Rob's new set of songs that he wrote after his debut album was released in 2016. He changed his songwriting technique and a lot of his memories and experiences ended up influencing the new tracks.
"'Water Rushing In' is a story or maybe more of a portrait of this hybrid character I made up. It was meant to display some of the impacts of colonialism and industrialization through this character."
Links to rob Dickson
WESBSITE: http://www.robdickson.ca/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/robdicksonmusic/