Our latest Q and A with sibling band ‘The Runaway Hamsters’ has been fascinating; we may only be a duo and they are three sisters and a brother, but we’re similar ages and share the same teen and preteen lives on social media.
The oldest member of the band is Isabella 14, followed by triplets Abby, Gabby and Riley who are 12. They have mastered a cross genre style of ‘rock n roll’ and 'country pop'. Their enthusiasm is electric from watching their popular You Tube videos to hearing their happy-go-lucky music on Spotify, they pull you in to their cheerful, fun world full of smiles.
‘The Runaway Hamsters’ name is perfect for their busy lives, in fact tracking them down for this Q and A in-between performances made us feel guilty that we were taking up their time, but we are very grateful they did. They have some great performances under their belt, giving them ‘bragging rights’ many adult performers could only dream of. Probably one of their most envied gigs would be when they ‘opened’ for Andy Grammer.
But as for boasting your not going to find the siblings doing that! They take everything in their stride, each child began piano at three, so music is just their way of life. However they’re not just performers they also have a heart for philanthropy and hope to continue performing and helping others into adulthood.
Faith & Harry; You guys are siblings does music run in your family?
TRH: Yes, our parents also play, sing and write.
Faith & Harry; When did you start making music?
TRH: We started piano lessons at 3 then we started a band at ages 5 & 7
Faith & Harry; Do you take music lessons at school?
TRH: We do.
Faith & Harry; Besides music what are your favorite school subjects?
Isabella-Art and Science,
Abby-Art and Science,
Gabby-Art and Math
Riley-Math and Astronomy
Faith & Harry; Riley, what's it like performing with three sisters, are they Bossy!
TRH: We have a lot of fun. Actually it’s kind of fun being the only guy.
I just perform with one Faith so not sure how I'd cope with three! (Harry)
That’s really funny Harry. ☺ (Riley)
Faith & Harry; Who are your country music inspirations?
Isabella-Johnny Cash, LoCash;
Abby- Blake Shelton;
Riley-The Oak Ridge Boys, Brett Eldredge;
Gabby-Dolly Parton & The Oak Ridge Boys.
Why country music? We love the music, the community and have found it to so welcoming to us. It’s like a big family.
Faith & Harry; Isabella, is it tuff being the big sister to triplets, and do you get frustrated with them as they're younger than you?
Isabella: We are all really close in age but the triplets know I’m the oldest. We really are all best friends. It’s not an act.
Faith & Harry; Who decides what you’re going to record and perform?
TRH: We do. We write all of our own material with either our producer or one of the many writers we are blessed to write with including our Dad. We then sit down with our producer and team and decide which songs we think will make the cut for a new project.
Faith & Harry; Do you want to make music your careers forever, or do you have other careers in mind.
TRH: Yes. We would love to be able to be successful enough to do this forever. We want to continue to make music and help others.
Faith & Harry; How do you keep up with school work and your music practices, performances and events?
TRH: We do our school work wherever we are. On the plane, in the car or a hotel. We get to do some really amazing school field trips with our travels. It has been really awesome.
Faith & Harry; Abby and Gabby are you two best friends as you’re the youngest girls and what do you like to do in your free time.
TRH: I think the 4 of us are all best friends. We hang out with each other all the time and we have a lot of the same friends so it’s been great.
Faith & Harry; You guys are very busy what has been your most memorable moments so far in your careers?
TRH: Performing at the world famous Bluebird Café, playing at WSM the home of the Grand Old Opry, playing at Ryan Seacrest Studios in Nashville, opening for Andy Grammer, performing at CHLA dreamnight in Los Angeles
Faith & Harry; If you could perform anywhere in the world where would it be?
TRH: The Grand Old Opry, The Ryman Auditorium, We’d love to open for Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton or The Oak Ridge Boys
Faith & Harry; Can you tell me one thing about each of you that the public doesn't know?
Isabella-I write jokes;
Abby-I love snakes;
Gabby-I love Cheetahs;
Riley-I’m not short no matter how many times my sisters say that I am.
Faith & Harry; Sorry but we have to ask what's your favorite food?
Abby-Grilled Cheese Sandwiches,
Will we get four different answers? Yes! lol
Faith & Harry; Do you guys own any pets?
TRH: Yes we do. Two dogs a Wire Haired Fox Terrier, a Springer Spaniel a Siamese cat, one rabbit and 2 hamsters
Faith & Harry; Have you ever goofed up on stage, forgotten the words or dropped the mic?
TRH: Yes, yes, and Riley did a drop the mic at one of our performances but he meant to –he caught it before it landed. We had no idea he was going to do it so it freaked us out but then it made us laugh so hard.
Faith & Harry; If you have what did you do or say to your audience?
TRH: We keep smiling. We have had to restart songs when the power went out but it happens to everyone.
Faith & Harry; what's next for you guys?
TRH: We just released a new single GO! on June 1st 2018 This one means a lot to us because it’s about going for your dreams. We hope it inspires others. We just had the world premiere of our video “Put Your Smile On” which CHLA premiered on 22nd June. We will be filming another video for our new single GO! and we will be releasing our new music EP this summer.
Thank you so much guys and thanks for being a part of our #TRHibe We all wish you tons of success Isabella, Abby, Gabby & Riley
Links To The Runaway Hampters
WEBSITE: http://www.therunawayhamsters.com/
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/therunawayhamsters FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheRunawayHamsters
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TheRunawayHamst