Duffy & Bird
“Hard to Live” from the “5 Lines” Album

There are voices that fight and voices that blend. Tricia Duffy and Al Bird are of the latter category, their voices have a way to blend so well that it might remind you of other well known acoustic duo, like Simon & Garfunkel for example. They actually remind me of James Taylor & Joni Mitchell, in how their tones complement each other.
The whole album is full of well written and performed songs, the genre is mostly folk, and the mood is dreamy and acoustic, with simple acoustic strumming and arpeggios, and the duo’s awesome harmonies on top. If you’re looking for heartfelt songs and a warm sound that envelops and brings a big smile to your face, that’s the album to listen to!
I chose this song because of the added fun of the delayed guitar which is a cool addition to their sound, the nicely hooky chorus which you will pick up and sing along to and the added electric guitar counterpoint at the end. This song flows really well, and when it fades out, you know you will want to listen again, and again.
Highly recommended album full of superb songs and harmonies to die for. Get yours today!
Verdict: 5/5 beards

You can buy this song and the album on Duffy & Bird store: https://duffyandbird.uk/store