Trinity Rose already has an incredible musical resume. She has been on NBC’s The Voice, attended Grammy Camp, just completed a new recording of a duet single with Nickelodeon star, Aidan Gallagher, called “Miss You”, studied with renowned Broadway musical directors and actors, and so much more. All you have to do is listen to any of Trinity’s songs to know Alicia Keys was accurate when she described Trinity’s voice as stunning. If all of her musical success is not already impressive enough, this young artist also has a huge heart. Read her interview and get all the details on what Trinity has accomplished in the past and where she is going in her future.
Danielle: Your first original song was “Leap of Faith”. Can you explain the meaning and
how it might tie into your music career?
Trinity: Leap of Faith was actually written about how much I moved around when I was younger. I wanted to talk to people and make friends, but I needed to take that leap of faith to get there. I wrote about something I related to and was true to myself, which I still do in my writing to this day!
Danielle: You’ve had many incredible experiences already. One being that you were the youngest ever to complete Grammy Camp in LA last summer. Can you tell everyone what Grammy Camp is and how it will influence your music going forward?
Trinity: Grammy camp is a music industry camp put on by the Grammy Museum where high schoolers have to audition and only a select few from around the country make it in. I got permission to apply in 8th grade since I had done the Voice and won several songwriting competitions. I was chosen to do the vocal performance track and I learned a ton about co-writing and managing my voice from that experience. Some famous singers like Maren Morris have been to Grammy Camp.
Danielle: You were on the TV show NBC’s The Voice and Alicia Keys told you that your voice is stunning. How did it feel to hear those words from someone as talented as Alicia Keys and what was is the best memory you have from being on the show?
Trinity: Being told my voice was stunning from Alicia Keys was absolutely amazing. It was so flattering that she actually liked my voice. I had an awesome time on the Voice and made so many friends I’ve kept in touch with. My favorite memory was playing my ukulele late at night with a couple good friends just harmonizing and having the best time!
Danielle: You not only have a great voice, you have an amazing heart. Can you tell your fans about how you donate your vocal talent to the homeless, local hospitals, schools and summer camps?
Trinity: I take every chance I get to help out with local charities. It all started when my best friend, Evelyn, who grew up partly in Compton, asked me to go to summer camp with her. I loved it and had the best time and suddenly realized that for most of the kids who go this is what they look forward to all year and don’t have any other extracurricular activities. Evelyn I threw our first fundraiser concert and raised over $7000 for the camp which sent 35 kids from her church to camp. It was so much fun and her pastor leapt out of his seat when he found out. I was hooked. To do what I love for a cause that I love is a dream come true and I’m so grateful. This Friday I’ll actually be performing at a hospital in LA to celebrate cancer survivors. It’s so amazing to see these strong, loving people be recognized and I get way more than I give when I sing for them.
Danielle: You spent some time in New York studying with renowned Broadway musical directors and actors. What is your favorite Broadway musical and is starring on Broadway one of your goals?
Trinity: My favorite musical of all time is Les Miserables! I’d love to be Eponine or Fantine. Broadway is definitely a goal but I’d love to make it in pop music first.
Danielle: What’s next for Trinity Rose? Do you have plans for a new EP and if so, do you have a time frame for when it might be released?
Trinity: I’ve been writing non-stop and planning on releasing a new EP next year. I might be able to put out my first single off the record, “Coughing Up Flowers’ soon but we’ll see. I’ve just been invited to a private audition for American Idol so this could change a lot of things planned:) but who knows!
To see more from Trinity
WEBSITE: https://www.trinityroseofficial.com/