At around eight years old I had an Alba boom box with a cassette player. I used to record off of CDs I borrowed and from the radio – the trick to recording off of the radio was to record the song without getting any of the DJs voice on the cassette; this is probably my earliest example of audio editing.

After failing to learn keyboard and harmonica, I managed to persuade my mum and dad at thirteen years old to get me a guitar. During my tape days I had heard Daft Punk’s - “Discovery” and I had also got my hands on a Jimi Hendrix “Best Of” - my plan was I would learn to play all their songs.
I got into bands at school and we would all agree to learn a cover song. Inevitably, someone wouldn’t learn their part so it would always be slightly off – my solution was if we wrote our own songs then we couldn’t be wrong. This is how I became a writer; out of necessity. The same is true for singing; no one else would do it, so I did it.
Guitar has been the one consistent item in my life. As I have got older I have developed a taste for other genres and instruments. I decided I wasn’t going to write one genre because I don’t listen to one genre. If Beck could do it; I could do it.
From here I got into recording at home using whatever equipment I could get my hands on and learned via practice and online tutorials. I am self-taught in all musical aspects.

Fast forward to around 2016. I don’t sleep a lot and I strolled into work one day; hair untamed, beard a mess, eyes heavy and purple underneath, clutching a coffee and counting down the minutes until my shift ended. I’d been up all night writing music and messing around with reversing loops. My manager said he had watched a nature documentary the night before about the Sloth bear and that I looked like one. From this moment I was dubbed “the bear” or “teddy bear” which is the only nickname I’ve ever had and liked. I chose to release music under the name Mr E Bear; my birth name has never felt quite right for releasing music.
April 6th 2018 saw the release of the “Bear Funk Instructional” which is me on every instrument. I also shot my first ever music video for this song.
The next single release is May 25th 2018 which sees another electronic song titled “Audio Gunpoint” being released on all good platforms.
There will also be a further three releases this year of more “band” orientated tracks; maybe even more than that depending on time and funding.
More to come from these paws. Stay tuned. Brand New Single Out 25th May here
Mr E Bear