While Dr. Jimmy Star has been in the entertainment business for as long as he can recall, the veteran (horrid term I know) by no means is about to begin nanny naps anytime soon.
Jimmy's upbeat and vibrant personality is infectious beyond his youthful years 😉
It was an absolute pleasure to talk with Jimmy and to encounter positive vibrations from someone who has been in the industry for such a long time.
Lets not assume for a minute, that age is any barrier for this boy!
For as long as you have the passion and drive, and know how to have fun, there is nothing stopping you and Dr. Star won't be letting up anytime soon.
The Jimmy Star Show with Ron Russell is the number 1. web show in the world with over 16 million monthly listeners.
A show filled with humour, music, film and entertainment which has been running for 5 years to date.
Jimmy Star began working as a fashion designer for the likes of Elton John, costume designer for the movie, 'To Fast Too Furious' among other well known celebrities.
The TV show host, author, publicist, and actor also has a huge passion for independent music which is featured throughout The Jimmy Star Show.
2016 saw his first book, 'The Beaumonts' boom to the top of Amazon's No.1 which merely began as his inquisitive nature took hold to examine the process of an author.
Star has written over a dozen books since, based on his love of horror and sci-fi.

The Jimmy Star Show features partner, Ron Russell who hosted the hit US TV show “Set the record straight” which included the likes of Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Bacall, and Jane Russell to name a few.
Jimmy speaks ever so highly of team partner Eileen Shaperio who is New York Times best selling writer for large publications such as Huffington post.
Eileen interviews and writes for 'Jimmy Star's World', online entertainment site featuring the latest music and entertainment news, pop culture, TV, film and celebrities.
Star's appetite for independent music is chivalrous offering his services as publicist through 'World Star Pr’ at very affordable rates for artists.
Jimmy's a man after my own heart; 'Get An Idea and Just Do It'. Thanks for the great chat Jimmy! Loved it.
Take a listen to our chat and what's next in the pipeline with Dr. Jimmy Star.
JIMMY STAR WORLD: http://www.jimmystarsworld.com/
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