TONY COOK is known for his passion and writing songs to promote the outback but his latest single, ‘COUNTRY RECOGNISED,’ takes us down another path and gives us an insight into his past. Having served in the Australian Defence Force, this latest single touches on his time spent in the ADF and about those who served overseas and never made it home.
He also lets us in on the struggles faced by Vets dealing with PTSD.
Tony is being helped by Mates 4 Mates with this single, in an attempt to raise awareness and funds to help support veterans, and in return Tony is donating a portion of the profits of the sale of this song to help support Mates with their incredible work.
As this week we celbrate Anzac Day this song is a “must listen” and it’s a very fitting tribute to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
WEBSITE: https://www.tonycook.com.au/