I remember I was always attracted by music. My journey with music started at my 4th birthday, when I lived in Switzerland, and my father gave me a little keyboard and I felt in love with it. I started play for fun, just like a game.
In 1993 I moved to Italy and some years later, around 11, I receive a real keyboard, so i started to play in a different way. At the beginning I liked to re-play the song i loved, just the melody. Then i started using the chords, and spending a lot of time to jamming.
I did my first composition when I was 12 and, after that, i wanted to write more and more songs. That’s the part I love: to create my music.
I was well at school, but in the free time I used to get out with some guys from the neighbourhoods.
There I lived a particular kind of life and had different experiences both good and bad that formed my personality. Music was the soundtrack of those days. You could listened to hardcore, techno, house and other different types of electronic music. I was attracted first by hardcore and I was part of the Gabber movement for a while.
Around at age 14 I listened for the first time the hip hop music and I immediately understood that was my sound. There was something in the beat, in the rap, that captured me so deep. I used to walk in the streets with my cd player and write some lyrics. I took inspirations from what I saw and what i felt in that moment.

In 2006 I stayed in England for some months and there I approached new sounds of electronic music.
Back in Italy I met a crew of mc and writers with whom I started a fruitful artistic and musical journey. We recorded several tracks with strictly hip hop sound. That was my most important musical experience because I learned the entire production cycle of a track. From writing lyrics to creating melodies and adapt them on the instrumental, till to create the final track. I still use this method for my productions!
In that period I became more and more passionate about hip hop music and all those influences that create the genre: soul, funk, jazz etc. I discovered some classics from hip hop samples like Ann Peebles, Millie Jackson, Isaac Hayes, Al Green, Marvin Gaye, James Brown and many others.
This new musical life gave me the first inspiration for new songs and new atmospheres.
Something was coming up, the first soul hip hop track, “Non Sono quella Giusta” (I’m not that right). I wrote the track in Italian, I felt better with my language for that kind of message, about situations experienced in my city.
Later I composed other tracks in different styles, from soul to reggae to r'n'b.
I usually start to compose a song with an acoustic guitar or with a keyboard and create vocal melodies. When I think I have found the right key I write the text and proceed with the arrangement. Sometimes I start first to make a beat and then I get inspired for the creation of the track.
So in 2017 my debut Ep “Only For Love” was out. I was so satisfied with this project cause I gave a lot to do that and It was not very easy.
At the end my love for music and the hard work have been rewarded. With the album I wanted to create my sound and talk about myself.
Some people told me they had this feeling and touched my world when they listen the Ep.
I’m still working at some new tracks and hope to put them out quite soon. Music never stops!
INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kihmyofficial/
BANDCAMP https://kihmy.bandcamp.com/releases