Madison Mueller
“Got This Way”

It seems that in the unsigned world there is a new generation of very young singer songwriters wiser beyond their years, and it’s refreshing to see and hear. We’ve seen that with Eliza Sayers a couple of weeks ago, now Madison Mueller is another one of these very mature songwriters yet barely out of high school.
It’s not even Maddie’s first single, as she has already dazzled us with her “Breath of Air”, but indeed this new single is on par with the previous one, with a full-on production and very well thought out arrangement and song writing.
But when someone her age is citing Queen or Genesis or Pink Floyd as her influences, you can understand that there is some depth there that most youngster don’t always have. And it shows in the way she writes, like in this song which builds and ebb and flows with a great sense of melody and dynamics.
The song has a country rock feel, but with a pop sensibility, and Maddie’s voice soars on top of the wall of guitars and tell us about that unknown (yet?) person capable of making everything feel “pretty right”.
All in all, the song is very much a feel good one and it will stay in your head like these “Who are you?” drowned with delays, that kind of remind me of The Who song of the same title.
Well done Maddie, another crowd pleaser of a song and one that most people will enjoy having in their music library!
Verdict: 5/5 beards

You can buy this song on Bandcamp: