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Steves Bryan | I'm working towards getting a Grammy

I use to dance because I was trying to find a way to show people how I feel. Before it was drawing because I wanted them to see my emotion. I was drawn to music especially rap at a very young age. I admired how free, rappers were to express themselves on an instrumental. I fell in love and I was quickly influenced by Method man, Eminem, 50cent, etc.

Steves Bryan

I self-taught myself English at a very young age by watching TV and I speak 4 languages, starting my career was a challenge because I was the only one rapping in English in my country at first people use to think I was crazy , I wrote a song about it that also has a visual called Sunday 1 it tells my story moving to America changed my life it made me realise a lot about capitalism and also about my country.

Being an immigrant in America isn't easy and being black as well most of these feeling are expressed in my Sunday songs.

The project solar vibes I believe, was something higher than me that pushed me to do it and will be relevant in a couple more years.

I have a song in it called immigrant that also tells my story and the story of many.

Haiti is a country of magic and a country of extraordinary vibrations my people move with music, we value music because through it, we can manifest our greatness or joy and our pride as a nation.

I was a journalist there and I hosted my own TV show in which I use to elevate the mind of the youth by telling them about their real potentials not only as a first black independent country but as the human beings.

I still do songs in Creole that are very successful over there, but nevertheless, I'm working towards getting a Grammy like Wyclef did.

I hope this information can shed light thank you.

For any more bio check my official facebook page and also my website

Here are the links to the songs mentioned

Solar Vibes

Sunday 1



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