For the past five years Boston-based singer songwriter Jeff Michaels has released a holiday single and accompanying video. Each has been a unique look at Christmas, from “Too Cold for Santa,” in 2012 to “Hey Santa (Bring Me Some Lovin’), an effort to do no more than spread holiday cheer. This year Michaels has released “It’s Been a Long Time, Christmas,” a simple call for the return of Christmas, and the brighter days we all need.
“This song was a gift,” says Michaels. “I was working on several ideas, but nothing was grabbing me. I scrapped everything, closed my eyes, and hit record. This flowed out, start to finish.”
In a year filled with tragedies and natural disasters that have devastated so many, Michaels knew he had something special. He immediately sent his guitar and vocal demo off to his producer and songwriting partner, Chris Teffner, mentioning that he felt the song had a bit of a retro, John Lennon feel. Teffner immediately grasped the concept, and the next day Michaels dashed off to purchase a special microphone to capture the Lennonesq sound. Two days later the song—and self-produced video, was done.
“The thing that always amazes me is how fast these come about,” says Michaels. “I have to believe that projects like this are simply meant to be.”
Michaels and Teffner are no strangers to working quickly. Time and again they have produced complete songs in just a few days’ time, sending tracks back and forth between their home studios in Boston, MA and Scottsdale AZ. Along with co-writing Michaels’s last record, Townie Paradise, the pair have built up a substantial catalog, and are actively working on writing for film and TV projects. Past placements for Michaels have included songs on The Real World and Teen Moms (MTV), The T.O. Show (VH1), and CBS Sports Spectacular.
Find Jeff Michaels new Holiday Single "It's Been a Long Time, Christmas" at iTUNES: http://apple.co/2hM1IEl
Watch the video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeG5ziBrNto
Official Website: www.jeffmichaelsband.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jmichaelsrocks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jmichaelsrocks