Dandelion Charm
“Skywalker” from the “Tiny Drop” album

Vocal harmonies can be such a powerful thing. Case in point this track (and really the whole album) from Dandelion Charm.
John and Clare voices blend so beautifully in all the tracks of the album, you can hear the influence of 60s/70s music, think Fleetwood Mac, CSN, even Yes, but there’s also a Celtic background in their music that works very well.
This song stands out for me on an album that is full of gems, mostly because of its production which is so well done. Everything flows, from the 12-strings arpeggios to the steady sidestick snare quarter beats - bass and kick tight and to the point-, that forms the intro, then Clare takes us into the mysterious story of that woman walking the line, although not everything is as simple as it seems, apparently. I’m totally in love with the “for long” line that truly launches the track into full Yes territory (I confess I have misheard it as “full on” for a while – such smooth it is). This line is repeated 3 times each time with more emphasis, the last being a drop until the track explodes in full bloom with a great driving groove and piano/guitars, and the harmonies that these two do so nicely.
There are subtle hints of synths and cool piano lines in the background during the quieter passages, nothing overbearing, but it’s the kind of ear candies that is so rewarding on headphones, and this track has plenty! And dynamics, woohoo! Goes up and down, bringing us forward along a clever chord progression that is always nicely evolving.
John’s voice finishes powerfully takes the last verse, before the peaceful conclusion. Perfect construction for a track that is like a wee journey in itself… What a spectacular performance indeed!
Verdict: 5/5 beards

Now run and buy the album on Dandelion Charm’s website: https://www.dandelioncharm.com/shop