Faith&Harry Rowan are a British-American pre-teen sibling duo, performing multi-genre music to multi-generational audiences. After taking social media by storm in the past two years, fans have been requesting more and more from Faith & Harry in the form of live performance video's, t-shirts and now their own single which has only just been released, and what better time than to spread the joy of Christmas with the release of their own version of 'Last Christmas'.
2016 saw this determined duo wake up Social Media, in just a few weeks their Face Book page had thousands of followers.
But they're not just talented they are also building their own musical careers. The siblings are involved in all decisions affecting their chosen craft.
They listen to adult advice then voice their own opinions. Young talent is often shaped and molded by the adults around them, these two are so creative that many of the adults they work with are learning from them.
Faith&Harry from a very early age showed an interest in all things musical.
By the time they were both three they were learning the violin, followed by piano and voice at five. Faith quickly outperformed her peers on violin, her love for the violin has not faltered.
With meticulous devotion to her studies she has produced widely praised performances. Harry also began his music studies on violin, however his preferred instrument is piano. He has a sensitivity on the keys that imparts emotions to the listener, rare for someone so young.
2016 saw the siblings move from a strictly classical repertoire to include folk/indie songs.
With Harry's accompaniment, Faith has been able to take some well loved songs and use her vocal skills to produce some amazing covers, the pair are quite remarkable especially as they are only pre-teens!
Faith has also introduced violin solos to many of these songs adding a unique sophistication to their sound.
WEBSITE: https://faithandharry.com/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/FaithandHarry