Let me introduce myself, I am β. an Italian songwriter, BetaPSI is my musical project, the name BetaPSI (βΨ from the Greek alphabet), it is the sum of Beta β (my name is Barbara) and PSI as Ψ the Psychology symbol and the operator in psychometrics and quantum mechanic.
I grew up listening to all music genres, I love music itself and this is the reason why I can't answer to the ones asking what's my main musical influence. If I have to, I tell Blues, Rock, Punk, New Wave from their roots to their modern evolution but what about Classical music, Pop, and so on, really I can't tell what it is.

Suddenly, around March 2016, all the music I've listened to throughout my life, started pushing to get out so here I am. I still don't know what happened but my half neuron (I called it 'Half') started spiking music and lyrics. So I took my electric guitar, my bass, I bought a micro (micro, very micro) synth, and started 'torturing' them. Then I learnt how Ableton works... it is a long story... the point is I'm a nut and weird so I started making songs.
Due to the “features” above mentioned, all BetaPSI' songs in some way are different from one another. They are all original songs, written, played with my beloved instruments, performed, recorded and mixed by me. I have no method for making music, sometimes a song starts from a thought, sometimes from a guitar or bass riff, sometimes from a vision, then they become music lines and lyrics that I melt in my odd lab, creating a song. Recently I've been called 'the sonic alchemist' I think there's no best way to define what I am, I'm really touched for this definition.
ΒΨ ' songs tell about my feelings, reflections, troubles, everyday experience, I never know what a song of mine is about, not even its genre, until I'm able to put music and lyrics together.
BetaPSI has also a mascot, it is the Mad Puppet and this is for my very first song is about a rebel puppet. Since then I made a lot of raw demos, making music became a way for talking with myself, never thought there could be something else but that. Then this year in March I had my first collaboration, it was with Max Shakusky a special person, a great artist, we started working on old demos of mine, Pretty Sick is one of these and it is the first song BetaPSI released, this year in July.
In the same month I was welcomed by Chatsong-Music, Atom-Collector-Records and #Monster Thread in to their huge communities where I discovered a whole universe of free minds making music for the pleasure of making music, listening to music, helping one another in the name of music.
Since then wonderful things happened and still happening, the collaboration with GJART featuring their song Fireproof, the opportunity to discover everyday great music and amazing artists, the support I'm receiving... still think I'm dreaming for music now is, more than ever, the meaning of my life.
Hardly a day goes without I’m working on an old demo or creating a new song or making a video for my songs, no day goes without I’m listening to other musicians. I respect and love every person who makes music and I consider BetaPSI a musical project, open to every collaboration proposal, near or far, it doesn't matter, the WWW allow us to work together in spite of space and time.
Meantime, I'm looking for a way to let BetaPSI spread its wings, it is a dream, but I am a dreamer and I firmly believe in music and dreams.
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/BazB2014
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/betapsiproject
SOUNDCLOUD: http://soundcloud.com/betapsi
FANBURST: http://fanburst.com/betapsi
BANDCAMP: http://betapsi.bandcamp.com