(Oliver) The decision to rebrand from 'Oli K' to 'Salt Valley' was a pretty big game-changer. There were some critical reasons for this shift. Oli K was a solo venture that started years ago when I began my music career. It was a time that I look back on with significant gratitude for the lessons learned and memories made. As my music evolved and grew, it only seemed right to expand from a solo act to full band; Jed Bradshaw (lead guitar), Gabriel Gledhill (bass), and Derek Smith (Drums). I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by such talented musicians and close friends. Their creative minds have elevated our songwriting and performances to new levels - there's a definite buzz. Without question... great things are on the way.
WEBSITE: http://saltvalleymusic.com/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/wearesaltvalley
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/saltvalleymusic
The Name
(Oliver) We selected the name 'Salt Valley' for two different reasons. First, as a direct relation to the location that we all came together. Jed and myself are from London originally (cousins), Derek is from California and Gabriel is Utah. With that said, we all came together in Salt Lake City, Utah, thus Salt Valley. In that same vein, as a band, we have ambitious goals with our music - what we address as a group and what our music stands for. The ecclesiastical reference 'salt of the earth' in that regard applies some good context. We want to stand out, break barriers, and approach the music industry in an unconventional way. Ultimately, these days we think the world can benefit from a bit more integrity eh??
New Single: In Time
(Oliver) We are very excited about our new Single release, 'In Time.' This song summed up in one sentence is; be patient, good things will come. The lyrics were originally written to myself, a couple years ago telling a weathered man to keep working hard and stay the course. I see the vast applications that it has in all walks of life outside of someone's ambitions as a musician. Again, be patient, good things will come. Things never pan out as expected and every pursuit has its own bumps and knocks in the road. The key is hard work, commitment, and persistence.