Picture it like this.
Four guys, their respective instruments, glasses of milk and jars of honey in hand, and an appetite to make music so sweet and raw that no one can resist a taste of it.
Ever since the beginning, these well versed musicians from North Carolina have made it a mission to combine their stylistic differences into a compelling performance of infectious, danceable, rock n’ roll.
The name is just a metaphor for keeping the music like nature, a complex yet harmonious voice.

Let’s meet the guys that make it all happen. Claiborne Williams, a poetic lyricist, rhythm guitarist and the lead vocalist of Milk N’ Honey has been writing and composing music from an early age. When he teamed up with Brian Dorcy, architect of arrangement, and lead guitarist of the group, the duo started writing songs in their native city of Charlotte, North Carolina.
For a little while they played as an acoustic duo before adding an all-important layer of bass underneath their sound. Ryan Phillips, the funk inspired, melodically driven bass player poured himself a pint of milk, chugged it, slapped the bass, and charged the group with a new energy that hadn’t felt before.
After an EP, a single release that coincided with a music video, the band honed in on a drummer and producer out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Que in Ryan Chabon, the powerhouse behind the rhythm that’s been shaking hips and moving feet all around North Carolina.
At this point, we see the band transform from their humble roots as acoustic songwriters to a full-fledged rock n’ roll band. Now the guys have their eyes set to a future of making more music and playing shows all around.
Since early March of 2017, Milk N’ Honey has toured North Carolina, playing as many shows as they can. At that time, only five songs were recorded while many more stayed part of their live show. After two months of writing and perfecting their material, Milk N’ Honey hit the studio for their third release. What came out of months of production was a new EP, titled ‘Floor of Diamonds’. This was the first time the band had recorded with Ryan Chabon on as drummer. They wanted to have a listening experience that would be enjoyable for all audiences. Claiborne Williams discussing their latest EP, “We all wanted to get these songs out knowing how different they sounded track by track. They all have a nice groove, beautiful harmony, and a little bit of blues influence in there as well.”
After hitting the road to promote the new EP during the summer of 2017, the guys headed back to their college towns to finish up their last years at their universities. The band now plans on writing a full length album, further perfecting their live show, and releasing new content for the people who follow them. Lead vocalist Claiborne Williams, “There is nothing more fulfilling to me as a musician to see an audience connect with my music. That’s what it is all about for us. When we started writing and performing together, we just wanted people to come to our shows and for two hours feel free, dance, sing, and enjoy live music with other people.”
To get a taste of Milk N’ Honey for yourself, follow the link below to their website. From there you can connect with us on social media, stay up to date on news, tour dates, and of course listen to music.
WEBSITE: https://milknhoneyband.com/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/milknhoneyband
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/milknhoneyband
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/milknhoneyband/