Latest stats show, Facebook has over 2 billion users worldwide every month. Why not get started and experiment with your music. If you’re serious, giving up, is not an option. You can do this at very affordable rates. All it takes is time. So put aside 30 mins a day, and dedicate some of your time to your marketing.
Here are my 10 Tips you can start doing, today!

1. Make sure you have all the details filled out correctly on your page. This means a professional banner that isn’t blurry or just slapped up there. A photo of you or your band as the profile picture.
2. Have your website or main site link in the bio, as well as all the sections about you filled out. Especially the bio and what you do, as well as what kind of music you play.
3. Join as many music groups as you possibly can, then share your news to each of these groups. Make sure you like and comment on others as well, so they know you care, and they will more likely check you out.
4. Go to established artists pages and like and comment on their posts, as well as liking other fans posts and reply comment back to them.
5. Post at least 4 times a week.
6. Try posting more video content, even if it’s you rehearsing.
7. Do some live video, and make it a regular event at the same time each week. And make sure you tell people.
8. Don’t just say to go to your site, or to just buy your music. Entertain them, without a call to action, so they don’t feel like you are jumping up and down, screaming, look at me...go here, go here. Give them value.
9. Try boosting a post. When boosting a post, target your audience. Here you can place the name of major established artists who are similar to you, name as many as you can in that section. Ad independent music, and/or music as well. Boost to people who are not followers of you. Place $10 on your boost and see what happens. Then try another boost and only target different countries. You can also test through Facebook Ads, however this is more in depth, but can give amazing results. (Remember to check the dates to end your boost, you don’t want to get caught out with a massive expensive) Or, change the date settings to ‘Lifetime’ of $10. Then this will not go over your $10.
You can also create an audience that is similar to your current followers. This can only be done if you have more than 1000 followers, for Facebook to be able to pick it up. Then boost to 1% of a lookalike audience of your current followers.
10. Did you know that who ever has liked any of your posts, you can invite them to like your page. So after you’ve placed an ad, if people like your post, but not your page, invite them manually. Click on the likes and another screen will pop up where you will see the list of people who have liked the post, and then click invite, next to their names.
We also have these tips and quite a bit more in addition in a free ebook which you can get through you Facebook messenger. Here is the link to get it.
Happy Facebooking 😀