It was at the beginning of high school that I realized I could actually do this and it was during that time I decided what I wanted to do with my life.
Since then every moment and everything that has happened has been because of that decision.

When I sing I feel total freedom, total peace. I'm so wrapped up in myself yet so aware of the present.
The thing about music is that it touches everyone regardless of who you are, wherever you are coming from or what you have been doing. All that will not matter.
You hear a song that connects deeply with you, and that´s the moment no one or no opinion matters.
When it comes to music the whole world understands the language and accepts the language, that is how powerful music is.
I’ve been working on my goal which is to become an internationally established pop artist for quite some years now.
It is tough mentally and financially but I´m so dedicated to the goal that I have no other choice but to see it work out.
To not fight for my dream has never been an option.
To some it might sound strange but it's the life I've chosen.
Sometimes I'm asked if it's worth it and I've asked myself that same question many times.
But with the passion I have for my music I don't want to look back and regret why I never gave it all I had.
No one can predict the future, but I believe that if I try every day to move forward and stay humble all will definitely end in a good way, and I will achieve my goals of producing good music that will serve, entertain and connect with people.
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