GRATITUDE and awareness lie at the heart of Sydney band Simply Bushed's EP, Military Issue. The band are no strangers to service to their country, having played for Australian and allied troops in the Sinai and Solomon Islands and want to support those veterans suffering the effects of active service. “It is also simply a reflection of the gratitude I feel for what we have here in Australia - a gratitude that is prominent on Anzac Day but is with me throughout the year, particularly when you see struggles so many have around the planet,” singer-songwriter Paul Grierson said.

Fellow singer-songwriter Chris Rieger said audiences always had such strong reactions to the songs when played live. “I think most Aussies have a solid respect for our military and what they have done and are still doing for us as a nation,” he said. “Paul and I put this together as a dedication to all these wonderful men and women of both Australia & New Zealand who have given so much.
”The single, Raise Your Glass, released for Remembrance Day last year, was a CMAA Country Music Awards of Australia finalist in Video Clip of the Year and won Anzac Song of the Year at the Tamworth Songwriters' Association Awards in January, Songs Alive Ballad section and continues to resonate with listeners.
“You have given the national a beautifully evocative gift in Raise Your Glass,”
Australian War Memorial direct Dr Brendan Nelson wrote in a letter to the band.
“The song is perfectly crafted, speaking directly to us and the debt we owe these men and women whose service and sacrifice has done so much to deepen our understanding of what it means to be Australian."
”Rieger said the songs on the EP evoked strong reactions in their audiences. “It is very common to find someone reflecting on a personal experience whilst shedding a small tear,” he said.
As well as the single, Military Issue contains previously-released tracks Father's Day, Rose and The Stone, and No Slouch. “The songs are a way that we can give something to these people to say that we will remember and that we do think about them,” Grierson said.
“It is a also family connection. No Slouch was inspired by my nephew and his first slouch hat that after 12 years split along the brim and had to be replaced, but in that time of 12 years had seen six overseas postings. Chris and I discussed the connection that this gives him to the soldiers that served Australia before him.”
Front men Paul Grierson and Chris Rieger have military service in their families and are moved by the significance of Anzac Day, so the EP is their way to pay tribute to those who serve and have served, every day of the year. “Anzac represents that spirit of standing up for your mates and helping others,” Chris said. Grierson added that it defined the character of Australians. “The ability to give of themselves and put others first . This continues, militarily speaking, in the places we are deployed - we are not fighting our battles but those of those who often can't defend themselves. It is always present and visible in the Aussie character and very much forged through Anzac.”Military Issue is available at: SIMPLY BUSHED