My love for music was born in the midst of an instrumental ensemble. This is where I, “Lyric Lane” discovered classical sounds that fell more kindly upon ears with each stroke of the conductor's baton.
I am proud to be the original band geek.
I was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, as Robin Miller. Exposure to a plethora of different artists and genres of music at an early age sparked my life long love affair.
My eclectic taste in music was shaped by the smooth sounds of Al Green that escaped as I walked out of my front door and the classic sounds of Mozart that welcomed me as I walked into music class. I remember my first day in band class, thinking to myself that Beethoven was certainly not what I had in mind. Looking at all of the instruments and noting that the cool stuff was taken. I had to make a choice.
The piano had too many keys, the trombone was way too long to carry home, and the tuba was bigger than I was. So I chose the trumpet; it was small and had only three buttons.
Before I knew it my fingers seemed to do the work without thought and although I tried to resist, even Beethoven grew on me.

There are many musicians ranging from Natalie Cole to Shania Twain, Mary J. Blige to Brandy, and Escape to Destiny's Child, that play
a part in the inspiration of my musical style.
However, the inspirations closest to my heart were from musicians that never had the opportunity to make mainstream music.
Much of my creativity can be attributed to a long line of family musicians whose dreams of stardom have yet to be realized. My most treasured memories as a child are of my aunt singing along to Anita Baker in the kitchen or my uncles huddled together singing
as if they were auditioning for Motown.
Despite my intense love for music, life seemed to lead me in the direction of college and athletics, but the family influence and
appreciation of music never left me.
While in college majoring in business, I decided to minor in broadcast and film. The driving force behind the decision to minor in broadcast
and film was music.
I realized that in order to have access to music and production equipment, I would need to have a few courses that required its use.
I dedicated a very small amount of time to using the equipment or software for its intended purpose and the majority of time teaching myself to use the music production software to create my own music.
At any given time on any given day, because of that experience, I am able to capture the melodies and words that pop into my head.
Life has taken me down many roads and despite all of the turns I've taken the sign always reads "music here".
Many people spend a lifetime searching for their purpose, but I've been certain for quite some time that music is mine. Music’s gravitational pull has always kept me near and my life has been better for it.
Music is my sanctuary.
See more of Lyric Lane on her social media:
Twitter: LyricLaneLove