This is your man NXICON (No eXcuses I Can Overcome Negativity)! Artist. Poet. Actor. Author, etc. My first foray into being onstage was from my Moms “volunteering” me to do the church welcome one Sunday. I was quiet then. Reserved. Introverted. Doing that welcome speech, though really brought me out of my shell. Once I stepped to the podium and in front of that microphone, I knew what I wanted to do. When the “Go on, babies!” and the “Amens!” started coming in, that’s when I knew that there was power in words and at that time, I had that power. There was no other feeling like it. From then on, I knew that I wanted to be onstage. It took coming across a gospel album and seeing my Moms picture on the cover that really propelled me to pursue music. I didn’t know how, but I knew that music was going to be it for me.
Music became more vital when I was sent to live with my Pops in another city because I had pushed things a bit too far in my old city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. It was there that the click I fell in with, did a little of everything. I was one of those gangbangers. We fought, we danced, we battled, we sang. We imitated the Temptations, New Edition at house parties and on the street, It was a release for us and it was fun. We started getting known more for our music than fighting. Music became, was, and still is a natural part of my life and has taken me to places and to meeting people that I’d only read about in magazines or seen on TV. Music has been my mistress, love, my confidant and my best friend. Music has become my way of expressing everything and anything inside of me that sometime I just can’t say. It has opened so many doors to other avenues that I never imagined that a street n**** could ever experience. Music has truly been a lifesaver in my life.

Music brought me to Atlanta because I felt I was getting the notice that I needed and that has not proven to be a bad decision. Not only have I extended my reach but I’ve extended myself to Acting to Writing and publishing 3 novels. LOVE FOR THE GAME, LOVE FOR THE GAME:BALLS AND MY WORD and BRUTAL. Music gave me 5 music projects, 3 Mixtapes maybe 4. I’ve faced scrutiny, controversy being called racist and anti-semitic in my music. But the name, my name says it all. It was my dream and my goal to be on a stage doing something and music found me and took me in, we’ve been tight ever since.
A lot of people think that this is easy. It’s not. It’s work. It’s grinding. It’s getting in people’s face for your spot to shine. It’s understanding that music although is music, it’s also a BUSINESS and you have to look at it as that, if you want to make it. If you want to succeed. You can’t let someone else’s definition of success become your definition of success. When I had a person from Australia tell me that he didn’t like rap music but heard my song “Mama’z Ba-b” and it affected it him so much that he had to put it on his internet radio station, that was success for me. Not the awards, not the money but the fact that I, my music affected and touched someone on the other side of the world. That’s my definition of success. No money or award can ever take the place of that feeling. KRS-ONE once told me that when you speak, don’t just say anything. Say SOMETHING. Make it mean something. Make it insightful. Make it matter, and I’ve held on to that advice to this day. Music is a passion to me. I live it. I breathe it. I feel it!
Everything I did, do and have done has opened doors to new opportunities and continue to do so baby steps, large steps whatever it takes or took. I continue to move forward and in doing so, this door to MUSICTALKS.XYZ opened. And this allows me to let you know that no, this isn’t easy. Living up to the name NXICON isn’t easy but it’s something that I have to believe and believe in because in there aren’t any rules in this music business, no book about how to “succeed” in the industry or how you reach people with your music. It’s about what you put in that determines your success.
The music industry is still shady and run by people that have no idea about the streets or what the streets like but by being independent, it keeps me from falling prey to their tactics and hustles. I make my own rules.
I’m just an ex-knucklehead from the Southeast side of Grand Rapids, Michigan but this ex-knucklehead has accomplished so much by believing that anything is possible. I’ve surpassed the goals that I originally set for myself and I continue to remain humble. I write my own songs, I produce, I learn constantly from others in the business. I designed my own guidebook and in doing so, I’ve reached so many people because we all relate to music and by music in some way shape or form. That’s one thing that connects us all. I’ve made my mistakes in this industry. Signed bad contracts, made bad deals, poor choices but instead of letting them break me, I learned from them. Made myself more knowledgeable. Every song is about a pivotal point in my life and only I can express it. DO OR DIE, TRUST ISSUES, and my latest upcoming project YOUNG GOD. These are my stories. This is about me. No one else can tell it. My inspirations are you, me, the world, the events of the world. If I can just touch one soul to make a change then I’m good with that. Because that one will change 5 that’ll change 10 and so on.
When I step on a stage, I’m free and I’m alive. Nothing can touch me. There is no feeling in the world like it. There is no bigger adrenaline rush. From a thug to an artist to an Author to an Actor. Me. Whoever would’ve thought that this is where my journey through this thing called Life would take me and bring me. Who knew that one day, I would be in a magazine like MUSIC TALKS speaking about my inspirations and motivations. Life is what you make it. How you design it. I thank all of you that listen to my music, purchase my music, fan me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like. If not for you, NXICON wouldn’t be.
Once again, this is your man NXICON (No eXcuses I Can Overcome Negativity)! Artist. Poet. Actor. Author, etc.
The only limits in this life that you have are the ones that you place on yourself. Erase the limitations and be GREAT!.
You can find me, follow me, friend me here: