My interests have always been much broader than writing music, but it’s writing music that I always seem to return to in order to distil and integrate these interests with what I am learning about life.
I began writing music and songs, and then performing them in a contemporary classical and cabaret fusion group called Bal.
We were weird and whacky and had a lot of fun.
From there I began to get commissions to write music for concert hall, film and theatre, ran personal development workshops on the power and spirit of the voice and coaching, read everything I could find on quantum theory, neuroscience, spiritual disciplines etc, all of which have woven themselves back into my music. Gradually my song writing has drifted into the world of rock, pop and Indie. I love the seemingly endless recycling of ideas allowing the format to continually refresh it self.
I see this as a powerful metaphor for humanity.
Everything is composed of atoms and atoms are alive. Even dead wood isn’t dead. Our very thoughts and feelings interact with that microscopic world and forms our reality.
"We ARE Quantum".
The only limitations we encounter are the ones we make for ourselves. For a time, I found myself drifting away from music professioally and working more in the field of organisational development using neuroscience as the basis for my practice. But the call to return to music was powerfully strong and in 2015 I decided to devote myself to it fully again.
The result is an album called 'Fields of Mars', the first part of a planned trilogy called I AM QUANTUM.

Each song explores our quantum potential from a variety of perspectives, how we see the world and how we see ourselves in it; that understanding our quantum nature shows we hold enormous potential to transform ourselves, that life, the world, the universe truly are magical – but only if we allow them to be, and find the courage in ourselves to stop doing the things that kill that magic.
Of course, like everything – there is a dark side too.
The past has shown us that social systems can be self-serving and narrow-minded, casting out or excluding its members who struggle to squeeze themselves into such confining parameters. By seeing the quantum potential in everyone and assisting them to see it in themselves, we give wings to desires and our universe and consciousness expands.
Science and spirituality are moving closer together.
Our Quantum selves have the power to create from our dreams and live and love powerfully. But we all knew that anyway – from the moment we were born. The pressure to forget it was strong.
But it is there in all of us, waiting to be remembered.
Join me in my quantum adventures – walking between worlds, seeing beneath veils, living beyond limitations and revelling in the vibratory force that is sound.
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