Your music is classified as ‘Country/Folk/Americana’, who inspired you to this style of music?
Growing up my mother played a lot of music by Melanie Saftka, i feel like a lot of my influence stems from her music. I also remember the country music channel constantly being on the TV when I was a kid, my mum is a huge fan of Faith Hill and Garth Brooks so it was really inevitable i would go down a country path.
At what age were you aware that you wanted to sing?
When i was 11 I entered a small competition within my year 5 class and won, that’s probably my earliest memory of thinking, yeah this is something i love doing.

Your debut single ‘Johnny and June’,(Johnny Cash and June Carter) I understand was written about their love for each other? Can you tell us more about why this inspired you so much to want to write about it?
As i’ve grown to find my own musical inspirations, Johnny Cash and his songwriting has been quite a large influence. I find honesty so important as a writer and he is so honest within all his songs so he makes for a wonderful muse even just by himself, but when i found out the Johnny Cash/June Carter story it wasn’t something i could leave alone. Writing a love song for me is hard haha, may as well attack it from someone else’s perspective.
Before your debut single came about, what were you doing beforehand?
Johnny and June is the first single off my debut EP ‘Black Bird’ so a lot of my focus for the last 12 months has been getting that recorded and just a lot of navigating myself through the music world.
You live in a beautiful part of New South Wales, (Hunter Valley) away from the busy city lifestyle, what does your usual day consist of?
I wish i could tell you something super interesting but when I get to stay home for an entire day it’s usually a real treat and involves a lot of relaxing while i watch my parents rush in and out of the house doing all the horse work and chores.
Are there any other musicians in your family?
Nope, just me. My dad can sing though, i’ll give him that.
Apart from music, do you have any other hobbies you enjoy doing?
I do actually, I’m incredibly interested in natural medicines and herbal remedies so my free time is generally teaching myself through books etc plant based cures and alternative medicines.
How easy or difficult do you find it, to stay motivated?
Within writing and music it comes in waves. Sometimes i can’t keep up with it and sometimes I’m up at four in the morning trying to work out why i can’t write anything.
And I have to ask, one very crucial question; given the area of where you live (wine country) you enjoy wine and like animals?
I love both! In my family we have a cat, three dogs an amount of horses i honestly couldn't even tell you the number of, and a bunch of chooks.. Oh and a miniature donkey.. So yep you could say we are animal people. And as far as wine… my favourite is Tempus Two copper series if that's any indication of my love for it.
Thank you for your time Tori, an absolute pleasure.
You can follow Tori on her journey through her website and social media pages
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