Solo Acoustic Guitarist, Nathan Varga creates multi-layered, multi-textured, from the heart, emotional pieces armed with his Acoustic Guitar and Cajon. His style is infused with expressive melodies, percussive rhythms, and harmonic progressions. His music is an ocean of sound that gracefully taps into your soul, and is a true experience of visual euphoria.
Nathan's Story:
There is always a tipping point during a persons journey. And for me my journey started in 2007 at the age of 15. After playing electric guitar for awhile, I eventually came across a video on YouTube by an artist named 'Andy McKee'. The song was called 'Drifting'. And still to this day, I feel that the 3 minutes and 19 seconds I spent watching his video, inspired a new direction in my life I committed to wholeheartedly.
From that day onwards I knew what I wanted to do. Perfecting my ability on the Acoustic Guitar was my focus. Every day I would work passionately on my guitar playing and technique, to create what I like to call 'An Ocean Of Sound'.
Many years went by and I remember a time in 2012, I was on a train with my guitar, when a young girl approached me after I finished playing. She said something to me that I will forever be thankful for. Her kind words struck a chord inside me that instilled more belief in myself to impact many others positively through the art of my music. She said something so simple yet those spoken words were another tipping point. Those words were: 'Thank you for playing Sir. Your music is beautiful.'
The feeling that I got was incredible. This young girl spoke with pure feeling. It enriched my soul, I was inspired, and I wrote a song in honour of that moment. I called it 'Caught In The Moment'. I spent I great amount of time with a few other people putting together a music video which is on YouTube to be seen by clicking on the link here:
A lot of my inspiration came from watching other musicians I admire perform. I always enjoy going to see live music. And one musician in particular, 'Raul Midon'. His style is world-class and truly captivating. Being a soulful blind man, he truly shows that the only limits, are the ones you make up in your mind.
I went and saw Raul play at 'The Corner Hotel' in Melbourne on the 21st of November, 2013. I arrived early and sat down in the audience. I noticed two men walk in and sit down on another table near me. In that moment I had this feeling overcome me.
It was telling me to invite them over to sit on my table. I had no idea why but I had to go with this feeling. And because I went with that feeling, the next morning I was performing on their radio show!
3MDR 97.1FM became family to me. Their support and appreciation for my music, and myself as an artist was truly amazing. And yet again, that night when I met Dougie and Wayne from 3MDR was another tipping point.
I started doing live shows because of that. My first gig was at the Brunswick Hotel in December, 2013. And 1 year later in November 2014 after meeting those two men at The Corner Hotel, I was up on stage performing at that Iconic venue. I never expected to be playing there so soon, and it was very gratifying to see that I had come from making a small choice in the audience at Raul Midons' show, to then be looking down at an audience in front of me, up on stage at The Corner Hotel.
I really believe in persistence and always striving to become a greater person.
March 2014 was another huge transformation for me. I always wanted to do something different.
Before going away for 1 month in March 2014, I purchased a small stool from Ishka. I had no need for the stool at the time, I just purchased it because it was calling me. I never knew that it would become a part of my performance today.
After coming back from being 1 month away in Queensland, clearing my mind in nature, I came home and had an 'Ah ha' moment. I realised what I could use that stool for.
In 2011, I purchased a Cajon which was untouched until I had this idea. I decided I wanted to learn to play both the Guitar and Cajon simultaneously. It took me 1 hour per day for 33 days to finish writing my song titled 'Blue & Green' which I incorporated both the Cajon (which I sit on and use my right hand to play) and Guitar (which is placed vertically on the stool, and I use my left hand to play). "Blue & Green" was a song that transformed my style significantly.
Here you can watch a small sample of me playing the song:
Through my experience I've wrote many songs which I took to the studio in January 2015. The next step was for me to get my music out there. Throughout 2015 it has been a lengthy process. I funded $5000 through Kickstarter. I spent 1 week recording. I designed the artwork, I did all the promotion, and organised all the shows for my CD launch. I wanted to do this myself. And in August I am finally proud to say that I will be releasing my first CD.
After many years of developing myself, I still have a lot more to accomplish. Lately I find the most difficult part of what I'm doing now is earning consistent income through regular gigs. Many months have been incredibly quiet. And there are so many artists out there who want to play more, play larger, and make a great, lasting impact in the industry like myself.
And can only hope one day others will keep my memory alive when I have passed on. And I will be able to help someone or many people in my life, in an unexpected way that will bring boundless joy.
Every performance I do in love. Every song I write, I write with love. For I've learnt that "It's not about the work you do. It's about the heart you put into the work you do".
My name is Nathan Varga. And I hope I can be an inspiration for you.
Nathans website: www.nathanvarga.com
Nathan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/NathanVargaMusic
Nathan on SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/nathanvargamusic
Nathan Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/NathanVargaMusic